Save data, Access the calibrate tab, Lumasense technologies awakening your 6 – LumaSense Technologies Pearl OEM Quick Start Guide User Manual
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LumaSense Technologies
Awakening Your 6
Pearl Software Quickstart-EN 512-0010-01 Rev. B 06/23/14
LumaSense Technologies
Awakening Your 6
Save Data
The Pearl Control Software allows you to save data to
your computer. The filename will be the camera number
followed by a unique timestamp. The file type is a PRN
file (used in MathCad), but can be changed to a plain text
file. The data is in a simple text format. Pixel values are
written with spaces in between each pixel, and a new line
is used for each row.
To save data to the default location:
1. After capturing an image, click Save.
2. The currently displayed image will save to the
defaulted specified location.
To save data to a new location:
1. Click Browse and navigate to the file location you
would like to save the image to.
2. Click OK.
3. Click Save to save the image to the new location.
Access the Calibrate Tab
A password is required to unlock and access the Calibrate
Tab and Reset Camera feature.
To access the Calibrate Tab:
1. Click Help on the Menu Bar.
2. Select Advanced.
3. Type in the password: engineer
4. Click OK or press enter.
5. The Calibrate Tab will appear below the Capture Tab
in the Action Bar.
Resetting the Camera
Unlocking the Calibrate tab will also unlock the “Reset
Camera” option in the Help menu. Reset Camera can be
used to reset the various features in the camera. You
may want to reset the camera if it is changed to an unus-
able state.
To reset the camera:
1. Click Help on the Menu Bar.
2. Select Reset Camera for the drop down menu.
3. Click Yes to reset the camera.
4. To complete the reset, turn the camera off. When the
camera is turned on again, it will reset its settings.
For complete instruction, refer to the Pearl manuals.