Kushlan Products KPC60L User Manual
Page 3

PETROL is extremely flammable and explosive under certain conditions;
ENSURE that the petrol is only stored in an approved storage container.
DO NOT refuel the motor while it is in operation or hot.
DO NOT refuel the motor in the vicinity of sparks, a naked flame or a person smoking.
DO NOT over fill the fuel tank and avoid spilling petrol when refueling .Spilled petrol or petrol vapor may ignite. If spill-
age occurs, ensure that the area is dry before starting the motor,
ENSURE that the fuel tank cap is securely fitted after refueling.
DO NOT operate or refuel a petrol or diesel motor in a confined area without adequate ventilation.
CARBON MONOXIDE exhaust gases from internal combustion motor driven units can cause death in confined spaces.
EXCESSIVE NOISE can lead to temporary or permanent loss of hearing.
WEAR an approved hearing protection device to limit noise exposure. As required by Occupational Health and Safety
ALWAYS wear approved hearing protection when working in a confined work space. Protective goggles and a dust mask
should be worn when working in a dusty environment. Protective clothing and footwear may also be desirable when
working with hot mix bitumen.
Slip/Trip/Fall is a major cause of serious injury or death. Be aware of uneven or slippery work surfaces.
Exercise care when working in the vicinity of unprotected holes or exca
Pre start-up inspection
The following Pre-start-up inspection must be performed before the start of each work session or after every four hours
of use. Which ever is first. If any fault is discovered, the compactor must not be used until the fault is rectified.
1. Thoroughly inspect the compactor for signs of damage. Check components are present and secure. Pay special attention
to the belt drive safety guard fitted between the engine and the vibrator unit.
2. Check the engine oil level and top up as necessary
3. Check the engine fuel level and top up as necessary
4. Check for fuel and oil leaks
Start and stop Procedure for Petrol Engine
1. Open the fuel tap by moving the fuel ON/OFF lever fully to the right.
2. If starting the engine from cold, set the choke ON by moving the choke lever fully to the left. If restarting a warm
engine, he choke is usually not required. However, if the engine has cooled to a degree, partial choke may be required.
3. Turn the engine ON/OFF switch clockwise to the "1" position.
4. Set the throttle to the idle position by moving the throttle lever fully to the right. Do not start the engine on full throttle,
As the compactor will vibrate as soon as the engine starts.
5. Taking a firm hold o the control handle with one hand, grasp the recoil starter handle with the other., pull the recoil
starter until engine resistance is felt. Then let starter return.
6. Taking care not to pull starter's cope fully out. pull the starter handle briskly.
7. Repeat until the engine fires.
8. Once the engine fires gradually, set the choke lever to the OFF position by moving It to the right.
9. If the engine fails to fire after several attempts, follow the trouble-shooting guide on page 5.
10 .To stop the engine, set the throttle to idle and turn the engine ON/OFF switch anticlockwise o the "0" position.
11. Turn the fuel off