FallTech Web SRL’s User Manual
Page 12

ANSI standards are available for purchase at www.ansi.org in the e-
standards store.
7.1: The Fall Protection Plan
As a minimum, a fall protection plan should identify and/or address
the following points:
Any and all fall hazards which may exist on your job-site
or in your facility.
Steps that have been taken to eliminate each fall hazard.
Equipment that has been or will be employed to address
each fall hazard.
Provisions for 100% continuous fall protection in the
vicinity of all fall hazards.
Training procedures for all authorized persons.
acceptable anchorages for positioning,
restraint and fall arrest.
Use and egress from the system.
Limitations on use of the system (maximum Free-fall,
arrest force and maximum number and permitted
locations of authorized persons who may use the system).
Procedures for installation, use and removal of the
Detailed instructions for inspection of systems and system
components to include rejection criteria and replacement
A detailed plan and procedures for the rescue of a worker
who may be involved in a fall event.
7.2: Rescue Plan
In the event of a fall, OSHA requires that a prompt rescue be
provided. In order to facilitate a prompt and effective rescue, it is
important to have a Rescue Plan as part of your overall Fall Protection
The rescue plan should include detailed procedures for summoning a
professional rescue agency (such as the local fire department) and/or for
performing self-rescue or in-house rescue.
For detailed assistance in formulating and maintaining an effective
rescue plan, see ANSI Z359.2-2007.
7.3: Suspension Trauma
Suspension Trauma (also referred to as orthostatic intolerance) is a
condition that can arise from being suspended in a full-body harness for
a prolonged period of time while awaiting rescue after a fall. Under these
circumstances, blood circulation can be restricted allowing a large
volume of blood to accumulate or pool in the veins of the workers legs.
This condition can result in a variety of symptoms, some of which include
light-headedness, loss of consciousness, difficulty concentrating and
Following a rescue, Suspension Trauma can be so acute as to cause
cardiac arrest when the large volume of un-oxygenated blood
overwhelms the heart. This severity of this condition can be greatly
reduced by using any one of a variety of devices offered to alleviate
Suspension Trauma, such as FallTech’s ReliefPak and by providing a
prompt rescue in the event of a fall.
For additional details on Suspension Trauma, refer to OSHA’s Safety
and Health Information Bulletin SHIB 03-24-2004 at www.osha.gov.
Section 8: Product Inspection
Inspection is a critical element in the employment of any fall
protection equipment. In order to protect Authorized Persons who are
using this SRL, it is important that the employer establishes procedures
that has layers of inspection to ensure that any mechanical or functional
deficiencies are recognized before the product is put into use.
8.1: Issuing
If the SRL is to be kept in a locker or tool crib between periods of use,
the person responsible should inspect the product upon issuing and
receipt to ensure that it is in proper working order. If any deficiency is
noted, this should be logged on the inspection record and the product
should be removed from service and handled in accordance with the
employer’s lock-out/tag-out policy. If this SRL exhibits a deficiency, it
should be immediately removed from service and replaced.
8.2: Daily/Incidental Use
OSHA 1910.66 and OSHA 1926.502 (as well as ANSI Z359.1-2007
and ANSI A10.32-2004) specifically require that the user inspect all
fall protection equipment prior to each use to ensure proper