PreSonus GTX44 User Manual
Page 7

The gate release time determines the rate at which the gate closes. Release times should typically be set so that the natural
decay of the instrument or vocal being gated is not affected. Shorter release times help
to clean up the noise in a signal but my cause ‘chattering’ in percussive instruments. Longer release times usually eliminate
‘chattering’ and should be set by listening carefully for the most natural release of the signal.
SC Mon
The SideChain Monitor allows you to hear the frequency range that the Lo and Hi Filter are operating on.
Using the Link function, you can link together two channels of the GTX44 for stereo operation. When linked, the processors
follow the setting of linked channel to the left, which becomes the master. Remember, when two channels are linked, the
sidechains are summed!
Ducking lowers the level of the audio signal based upon the level of the sidechain audio signal. If the unit is in gate mode,
then you can DUCK according to what the range setting.
A typical application is paging: A ducker senses the presence of audio from a paging microphone and triggers a reduction in
the output level of the main audio signal for the duration of the page signal. It restores the original level once the page
message is over.
All four channels have a separate bypass for listening to 'before and after' performance tests.
Activating the bypass effectively removes all processing being performed by your GTX44 and returns the signal to unity
gain. You should use bypass often when setting up your GTX44 to compare the 'before and after' results of the signal
processing affecting your audio signal. Bypass affects the gate and all its functions. When in Bypass the Link function is still
engaged, but both channels are set to Bypass Mode.
When the Link button is pushed in, the channel to the left becomes the master controller of both channels. The channel to
the right's controls become disabled and metering becomes summed left and right, i.e. stereo mode. IMPORTANT: When the
two channels are linked (link button pushed in), all of the right channel's controls are inactive.
The input/output jacks are unbalanced tip/sleeve or ring/sleeve connectors or balanced XLR connectors. The XLR
inputs/outputs can handle up to +24dBu unbalanced or balanced.