Install ation and setup 9 – PreSonus FP10 User Manual
Page 9

Click FINISH and you have successfully installed your FIREPOD DRIVERS.
Note that you must install all three “Found New Hardware Wizard” Drivers for the FIREPOD to operate
Macintosh OSX
The audio drivers for the FIREPOD are to be included in the CORE AUDIO of Macintosh OSX 10.3.5
and later. At the time of the printing of this sheet, the drivers had not yet been released by Apple
Computers. Please visit
to download an OSX update for your FIREPOD. (For questions
call PreSonus at 225-216-7887).
After you have installed the OSX update, connect your FIREPOD to a FireWire port on your computer and turn
on your FIREPOD. Your FIREPOD sync light should flash red and then stay blue to signify that your FIREPOD
is properly sync’d to your computer.
2 . 3 F I R E P O D C O N T R O L P A N E L ( W I N D O W S X P O N L Y )
Once you have successfully installed your Drivers the FIREPOD Control Panel will be available from your
system tray (typically located at the bottom right hand corner of your screen near your clock).
Double click on the FIREPOD Control Panel ICON to open the FIREPOD Hardware Control Panel.