PreSonus BlueTube DP User Manual
Page 11

3 . 1 D Y N A M I C M I C R O P H O N E S
Dynamic microphones are characterized by lower output levels. Hence,
more gain is needed to amplify a dynamic microphone to operating level.
Occasionally it is necessary to engage the –20dB pad to the microphone
to avoid distortion (e.g. when recording percussion). Do not use phantom
power when using dynamic microphones.
3 . 2 P H A N T O M P O W E R E D ( C O N D E N S O R ) M I C R O P H O N E S
Phantom powered microphones such as condenser microphones require
external power for the microphone to operate. These microphones
typically have much higher output than dynamic microphones. Use the –
20dB to avoid distortion while recording loud sources.
3 . 3 I N S T R U M E N T I N P U T
The instrument input is designed to handle ¼” plugs from instruments
such as guitars and basses. This instrument input is an ultra high
impedance amplifier designed to allow the full audio potential of an
acoustic or electric instrument pickup to be realized. Care should be
taken not to overdrive the input with instrument preamplifiers.