UView Airlift II User Manual

U.S. PATENTS: 6,152,193 - 431,007 - 6,234,215 - 6,161,566 - 6,360,790
Other U.S. and International patents pending.
UView Ultraviolet Systems Inc. • 1324 Blundell Road, Mississauga, Ont., Canada L4Y 1M5
Part No.
Please read the following before using this tool:
• Install an air line nipple to the venturi assembly. (Note: Hold Button Valve body assembly
with a wrench 7/8"(22 mm) during air line nipple installation to avoid damage to venturi)
• Attach refill hose to AIRLIFTII
• Minimum shop air required: 90 psi (6 BAR)
• Shop air should have an air dryer system
• For best results, radiators should be empty
• Heater control must be set to the HEAT position
(Ignition may need to be turned to the ON position with engine OFF)
Refilling Instructions:
1. Insert AIRLIFTII into radiator service neck or reservoir tank using gauge housing handle.
Rad neck cone adapter should fit snug in opening. (Fig.2)
2. Make sure the refill hose valve is closed.
3. Connect shop air to the venturi assembly then depress valve. You will hear a hissing noise
and the vacuum gauge pointer will rise. (If radiator is not empty the venturi body hose
may spit out some coolant, thus reducing efficiency). (Fig.3)
NOTE: Radiator hoses may start to collapse. This is normal due to vacuum.
IMPORTANT: Some overflow hoses may need to be clamped off to obtain vacuum.
4. Depress button until the system reads 24 - 26 on gauge.
(This should take less than a minute).
5. Once gauge has reached the desired vacuum level, let system sit for 20 seconds to
observe for any drop in vacuum. (If vacuum drops, then there is a leak in the system.
Disconnect AIRLIFTII and make repair as required).
6. Submerse refill hose into a container of premixed coolant. Open refill valve slowly
until coolant rises from bucket and completely fills the refill hose, then close valve.
(This is done in order to purge the refill hose of any unwanted air trapped in the line).
7. After following the above procedure the gauge reading will have dropped, (This is normal).
Depress venturi valve button until gauge reaches desired vacuum level.
8. Open the refill ball valve and the coolant will start to fill the vehicle cooling system. (Fig.4)
Cooling system is full when vacuum gauge reaches zero.
NOTE: For best results place the coolant supply at the same height as the rad neck adapter.
If coolant level runs too low it will pull air into the cooling system, thus defeating the purpose
of creating a vacuum in the system. Always draw from more coolant than required. On remote
pressurized tanks, it is advisable to stop filling when proper level is reached.
9. Remove AIRLIFTII from radiator using gauge housing handle.
NOTE: Overflow tanks should be filled to proper level. Always allow cooling system to warm up
before attaching radiator cap. Top up cooling system if necessary.
# 99080802 Rev. 0-0