3 steering control levers, 4 fuel system / shut off valve, 5 seat – Wright Serial #62995 and higher User Manual
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4.3 Steering Control Levers
The ZTO’s speed and direction are controlled by using two steering control handles. The handles can be
moved forward and backward about a neutral position. Moving the control handle equal distance forward or
backward the machine moves in a straight line.
4.4 Fuel System / Shut Off Valve
The fuel shut off valve is located at the left rear behind the seat compartment. The fuel valve should be in the
“Off” position at all times when the mower is not in use. Do not fill fuel tanks completely. Fill until level is 1
inch below the bottom of the fill neck. This will allow for the gas to expand and prevent fuel from soaking the
vent valve. A fuel gauge is located on the left tank. The fuel system is equipped with two check valves, they
will improve equal traction and allow the tanks to drain at the same time.
4.5 Seat
The seat is equipped with a seat belt, Flip-up armrests, forward and
rearward adjustment.
Forward and Rearward Adjustment – Located under the right
front side of the seat, pull the lever to the side, slide seat
forward or backward.
Inward Drive
Right Turn
Left Turn