Tpeg client kit by fraunhofer first journaline, Interactive information service by fraunhofer iis – Atmel Automotive Broadcast Radio User Manual
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TPEG Client Kit by Fraunhofer FIRST
– Interactive Information Service by Fraunhofer IIS
TPEG is a transmission standard used to provide
traffi c and travel information such as scenes and
dates of accidents as well as traffi c jam and road
work information. This service also provides infor-
mation about points of interest like hotels or car
parks. The TPEG client software from Fraunhofer
Institute for Computer Architecture and Software
Technology (FIRST) decodes and de-serializes the
received messages converting them into readable
text, speech, or symbols. This software is optimized
for portable platforms such as navigation devices
and PDAs as it uses only limited resources. The
TPEG client kit manages the communication with
the receiver hardware, decodes the TPEG protocol,
and converts this information into high-level objects
after effective fi ltering.
Journaline is an information service for digital radio,
which allows the user to access textual informa-
tion on demand. The information supplied includes
both program-related information (last played
songs, background on the current show, call-in
numbers and contact information, station sched-
ule overview, etc.) as well as program-independent
information (ticker news, various detailed news
categories, sports and fi nancial updates, airport
departure/arrival times, regionally sorted weather
forecast, etc.). The assignment of information
pages to the radio’s station keys allows for single-
click access to relevant information such as local
weather forecast at a bedside-radio. Due to its effi -
ciency and easy extensibility, Journaline supports
the full range of radio receiver types, including spe-
cialized cases as used for in-car information provi-
sion. These specialized uses benefi t from optional
text-to-speech synthesis optimization and user
profi le personalization (e.g., providing all informa-
tion of pre-selected categories as soon as updates
were received).