Qualcraft Cyclone HUV Harness User Manual
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The proper fit and attachment of full body harnesses is critical for reducing the likelihood of body damage or system failure when
using a compliant fall protection system. Users must be trained and knowledgeable in the proper fit, proper hardware coupling,
and proper harness selection.
• Harness sizing features (chest straps, shoulder straps, leg straps, and any other harness adjustment) must be fitted to each
individual user.
• Harness connections must be made in a compatible manner. Buckles must be positively engaged and secured.
• Compatible connections must be made with connecting equipment (lanyards, lifelines, etc.) only at approved points on the
harness. Never attach snaphooks directly to harness webbing unless specifically designed for such applications (i.e. web
loops substituted for D-rings on some model harnesses).
Dorsal D-rings must be adjusted and situated between the user’s shoulder blades. Chest straps must be located across the
chest. Dorsal D-rings may be readjusted by sliding the crossing placard up or down on the webbing to move the D-ring.
The following requirements outline adjustment mechanisms and locations. Adjustments must allow for a snug, but comfortable fit.
Guardian harness models may feature one or more of the following adjustment mechanisms.
1) Pass-Thru Buckles
Adjust Pass-Thru Buckles by sliding the small metal connection through the slot on the
larger metal receiver connection. The buckles will lay flat against one another, creating
enough friction to prohibit the webbing from moving.
2) Tongue Buckles
Tongue Buckles utilize a grommet and framed tongue style receiver to lock
the grommet in place to prohibit slippage.
3) Quick Adjust Friction Buckles
Quick Adjust Friction Buckles incorporate textured rollers mounted inside a
square metal frame. Friction on the roller portion of the buckle prohibits web slippage while allowing
easy adjustment by positioning the roller buckle at a 90 degree angle to the webbing.
4) Sliding Bar Adjusters
Sliding Bar Adjusters allow adjustments to shoulder strap areas by feeding webbing to loosen
or tighten depending on the up or down direction of the buckle. Sliding the buckle down on
the shoulder strap tightens the straps on the wearer, while moving the buckle up on the strap
loosens the shoulder strap webbing.
5) Quick Connect Buckles
Quick Connect Buckles are activated by engaging two release levers simultaneously to
release the male piece from the female receiver. Adjustments are made by feeding
webbing through the male end using a friction style buckle.
The following Guardian harnesses incorporate adjustment mechanisms at the following locations.
HUV Basic Style Harnesses:
Chest Strap Adjustment, Shoulder Strap Adjustments, Leg Strap Adjustments
Construction Style Harnesses:
Chest Strap Adjustment, Shoulder Strap Adjustments, Leg Strap Adjustments, Waist Strap Adjustments
Seraph HUV Style Harnesses:
Chest Strap Adjustment, Shoulder Strap Adjustments, Leg Strap Adjustments
Seraph Construction Style Harnesses:
Chest Strap Adjustment, Shoulder Strap Adjustments, Leg Strap Adjustments, Waist Strap Adjustments
Edge Series HUV Harnesses:
Chest Strap Adjustments, Shoulder Strap Adjustments, Leg Strap Adjustments
Edge Series Construction Harnesses:
Chest Strap Adjustments, Shoulder Strap Adjustments, Leg Strap Adjustments, Waist Strap Adjustments
Lineman Harnesses:
Chest Strap Adjustments, Shoulder Strap Adjustments, Leg Strap Adjustments, Waist Strap Adjustments
Front Loop Cross-Over Harnesses:
Shoulder Strap/Torso Adjustments, Leg Strap Adjustments