Qualcraft ULTRA Pole Base User Manual

Options • ultra-jack system, Ultra jack options and accessories, Ultra-jack system

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MODELS #2002, @2004, #2008, #2009, #2006, #2012, #2024, #2013

Ultra-Jack System

Model # 2000

Ultra-Jack System

Model # 2004

Ultra-Jack Aluminum
& Rubber Pole

The reinforced structural

grade aluminum/ rubber pole

has field replaceable facing.

Continuous metal reinforcing

virtually eliminates rubber


6 foot pole

Model # 2006

12 foot pole

Model # 2012

24 foot pole

Model # 2024

6 foot Aluminum Pole Connector

Model # 2013

Uses spring loaded pins

made of stainless steel

The use of workbenches

promotes efficiency and

productivity, and this ver-

satile unit can be installed

at any time during the job

without removing the jacks

from the poles.

Ultra-Jack System

Model # 2009

Provides rigid, triangular

bracing as required by OSHA,

with full swivel head to ac-

commodate all roof pitches.

Pole Anchor

Model #


Ultra-Jack Pole
Base Model

Model #


These unique self-locking

bases and anchors are

interchangeable, and provide

added stability and security

for use on all ground work


The Ultra-Jack System is unique,
safe, durable and a dream to operate!
This versatile, state-of-the-art system
is perfect for the contractor who
wants to promote worker speed and
efficiency while providing the safest
scaffolding available. The Ultra-Jack
System is ultra safe, easily transport-
ed, easy to set up and take down, and
has a greater climbing rate per stroke
for faster movement and less worker
fatigue. The easily adjusted work plat-
form can be raised or lowered to the
perfect height, eliminating overreach-
ing and uncomfortable positions. The
pump jack mechanism uses a spring-
loaded cam lock for smooth opera-
tion, and there’s no clutch to wear
out. Also included are wall braces
(model #2002) with a swivel head to
accommodate all roof pitches, and
interchangeable pole anchors and
bases to accommodate all ground
surfaces. The System can be fitted
with guardrails and a workbench that
can be installed at any time during the
job without removing the jacks from
the poles. For extra comfort, the foot
levers and hand cranks are padded,
and the toe straps are big enough to
accommodate large work boots.

Customer Support and Ordering Information

781-344-1000 •

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