Alliance Laundry Systems F232182R1 User Manual
Page 19

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When modifying a cycle, a time must be entered for
each segment. To skip a segment or spin, set the time
to “00” and press the Start key. Table 3 gives the time
parameters for each segment and spin, as well as the
allowable temperature range.
Table 3
NOTE: Spin times in cycle segments 1 – 10 are
entered in seconds (30 to 240), and time for final
spin in segment 11 is entered in minutes (1 to 10).
1. Press the Up key until the computer display
shows the segment to be edited. Press the Start
2. Use the Up or Down key to select the desired
segment time. Set this value to zero to skip the
segment. Press the Start key.
NOTE: The computer does not count down the
remaining cycle time during fills, drains, cool-
down, or prior to first achieving the programmed
heat temperature when heating. The computer
resumes counting down cycle time once the
programmed fill level is reached, when the machine
has drained, and after a programmed heat
temperature is reached.
3. If the temperature-controlled fill setup option is
enabled, the display will show “tFIL.” Press the
Start key.
4. Use the Up or Down key to select the desired fill
temperature. Refer to Table 4 for fill options.
Table 4
If the temperature-controlled fill setup option is
enabled and a target temperature is set, the
selected fill valve(s) will energize for the first
three seconds of the segment fill. The computer
will then begin operating the fill valves in an
attempt to reach the target temperature. Press the
Start key.
5. Use the Up or Down key to select the desired fill
level. Refer to Table 5.
Table 5
Time and Temperature Parameters
2 minutes
30 minutes
2 minutes
20 minutes
Fill 1
2 minutes
15 minutes
Fill 2
2 minutes
15 minutes
Fill 3
2 minutes
15 minutes
Fill 4
2 minutes
15 minutes
Fill 5
2 minutes
15 minutes
Fill 6
2 minutes
15 minutes
Fill 7
2 minutes
15 minutes
Fill 8
2 minutes
15 minutes
Fill 9
2 minutes
15 minutes
Intermediate Spin*
30 seconds
240 seconds
Final Spin**
1 minute
10 minutes
75°F (25°C)
200°F (93°C)
* Programmed with wash segment through Fill 8.
** Programmed with Fill 9.
Fill Temperature Options
Fill Type
Cold Fill
Hot Fill
Warm Fill
Auxiliary Fill*
*This is available only if the “SUP5”/“AFIL” setup
option is set to “AFIL.”
Water Level Options
Fill Level
Low Level
Medium Level
High Level