Teledyne LeCroy VirtualProbe User Manual

Page 7

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Operator's Manual

Status LED - An LED next to the Apply button indicates the status of the VirtualProbe setup for the
selected lane.

Setup Status LED - An LED next to each setup button displays the current status of the setup.


Red: Error in setup. Check the setup for any inconsistency in the Num Ports, Input Type, or the
block setup for undefined files or touchstone files with incorrect port count.


Yellow: Apply needed; touch the Apply button when you are finished making changes to the setup


Green: Compilation successful.


Dimmed: The output of the setup is unused.


These controls appear in all instances of VirtualProbe.

Apply button - Touch to build the system description for the circuit, and to compile it. When the Cross-
talk package is present. When the Xtalk box is available, touching Apply compiles all setups or lanes
together; without, only the selected lane is compiled. While compiling, the message "Compiling" is dis-
played in the lower-right corner of the application. The result of the compilation is displayed in the adja-
cent box. Success is indicated as "Compilation Succeeded".

Block Definition buttons (e.g. A1...A6) - Touch to open the dialog for configuring the selected block. The
first and last blocks are dedicated as transmitter (data source) and receiver blocks (data sink). All blocks in
between may be configured as circuit elements that connect the transmitter to the receiver. The button
will show the action being taken by the block.

XTalk button - Touch to open the dialog for configuring the Xtalk block. This block is used to model cross-
talk between the lanes. See __ for configuration details.

Meas checkboxes - These checkboxes are visible when the Input Type in the Setup dialog is set to
"Probe." Check the Meas checkbox that corresponds to the position of the differential probe where the
measurement is being taken. (When the Input Type is set to "Channel," the measurement position is
assumed to be at the receiver, meaning that the oscilloscope is acting as the receiver for the channel. If
you change the location of the probe by checking a different Meas checkbox, touch Apply to re-compile
the model.

VProbe checkboxes - Check the VProbe checkbox corresponding to the position where you would like to
locate the virtual probe. If you change the location of the "probe" by checking a different VProbe check-
box, touch Apply to re-compile the model.

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