Rear panel description, 12v dc 3.5 amp power supply, Network connection – Staub Electronics SNP-1 URC - 2 WAY STREAMING NETWORK PLAYER User Manual

Page 8: Ir in for 1-way rf remotes and base stations

Rear panel description, 12v dc 3.5 amp power supply, Network connection | Ir in for 1-way rf remotes and base stations | Staub Electronics SNP-1 URC - 2 WAY STREAMING NETWORK PLAYER User Manual | Page 8 / 16 Rear panel description, 12v dc 3.5 amp power supply, Network connection | Ir in for 1-way rf remotes and base stations | Staub Electronics SNP-1 URC - 2 WAY STREAMING NETWORK PLAYER User Manual | Page 8 / 16