Installation – JuiceGoose XVRT Series User Manual
Page 8

Back Panel (3000VA), 3U SIZE
2.1 “Power On” Indicator
Power On indicator illuminates when utility power’s condition is normal.
2.2 “BACKUP” indicator
The indicator illuminates when the power is supplied from the batteries.
2.3 “Battery Fault” Indicator
This illuminates indicating weak battery. Recharge the battery for at least four
hours. If after recharging this is still illuminated, replace the battery by following
the instructions in the manual.(You can plug out then check battery)
2.4 Power Switch
Can be used as the master on/off switch of your equipment by leaving your
equipment connected to UPS and switched on.
2.5 UPS Outlets
Provide instantaneous back-up power protection to your equipment. Supply
temporary uninterrupted operation for your equipment during power failure.
2.6 Bypass Power Sag Outlets
Provides bypass power sag protection to your equipment. Prevent power
problems traveling through your system via unprotected peripherals.
2.7 Circuit Breaker Protection
Serves as an overload and fault protection. This is a critical component of the
advanced UPS
2.8 “Phone Jack” Communications Ports
Telecom transfer ports provide users to extend the applications.
● Caution:
To reduce the risk of fire, use only No. 26AWG or larger
telecommunication line cord.
2.9 communication function
Provide RS-232 interface and UPSMON software to support NOVELL, UNIX,
DOS, WINDOWS and other operating systems.
3. Installation
Inspect the UPS upon receipt. The packaging is recyclable; keep it for reuse or
dispose of properly.
3.1 Recharge the battery
UPS may be used by anyone immediately upon receipt. The battery is fully
charged before shipping from the factory. However, the user is recommended to
recharge the battery for at least eight hours before using UPS. Energy loss may
occur during shipping or long duration storage. To recharge the battery, simply
plug in the UPS to a wall outlet and let it charge.
3.2 Connect the loads
Plug your primary equipment (e.g. computer, monitor and critical data storage
device, etc.) to the Battery Power-Supplied outlets. Plug your peripheral
equipment (e.g. printer, scanner, fax, or audio device) to the bypass outlets. Do
not plug a laser printer into the UPS output outlets, as its power demand is much
higher than typical peripherals and may cause the circuit breaker to trip. It is
suggested to connect similar heavy loads (like laser printer) to the bypass
3.3 Connect the telephone
If you wish to protect a fax or a modem, connect the telephone cable from the wall
outlet to the “IN” jack. Connect the telephone cable (provided) from the “OUT” jack
to the fax or modem. To protect a10Base-T (UTP) network interface, obtain and
use a UTP cable to connect the “OUT” jack to your computer.
3.4 Connect to the utility power
Plug UPS to a 2-pole, 3-wire grounding receptacle. Make sure the branch is
protected and does not service equipment requiring heavy electricity (e.g.
refrigerator, air conditioner, copier, etc.). Avoid using extension cords; if used,
make sure they are rated for at least 15 Amps (A).
Special Note:: concerning connection to utility power
. S i z e o f B r a n c h
C i r c u i t O v e r c u r r e n t P r o t e c t i o n - " C A U T I O N - To r e d u c e t h e
r i s k o f f i r e , c o n n e c t o n l y t o a c i r c u i t p r o v i d e d w i t h 3 0
a m p e r e s m a x i m u m b r a n c h c i r c u i t o v e r c u r r e n t p r o t e c t i o n in
a c c o r d a n c e w i t h t h e N a t i o n a l E l e c t r i c C o d e , A N S I / N F PA 7 0 " .
3.5 UPS self-test
UPS will conduct a self-test once switched on it each time. Do not add or take off