JuiceGoose iP 1520 User Manual
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Before you enable this feature, be sure to configure the settings you require.
After you enable the Power Cycle feature the settings cannot be changed
unless you disable the feature again.
Please note: if you have a Dynamic IP address it is not advisable to plug your
Cable/DSL modem into POD1 as a reboot of the modem could result in a new
IP address being assigned to the modem and so could result in remote access
issues if you do not know what the new IP address is. We suggest plugging the
modem into the Unswitched (always on) outlet of the iP1520 and the router in
POD1. If you have a static IP address this is not an issue and the modem can
also be plugged into POD1.
There are 3 user definable fields to this feature.
The ‘PING Address’ field is the internet address that the unit will use to check
network connectivity. The default is our web domain (www.juicegoose.com) and
can be left as is. If you wish to choose another domain simply type the address
in this field.
The ‘PING Every’ field is how often you want the iP1520 to check for connec-
tivity. The default is 30 seconds and can be changed to any value (in seconds)
you choose. It’s recommended that you don’t go below 30 seconds to allow any
attached devices ‘boot up’ time.
The ‘Power Cycle After’ field is how many failed PING attempts the unit will
carry out before rebooting POD1. The default is set to 2 tries but the user can
define any value.
Once you have completed all setup fields as desired hit the save button at the
bottom of the page to update the unit and reboot it.
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