Manual_ft04(c207)-v1-p23, Component size limitations – SilverStone FT04 User Manual
Page 24

(4) Memory height limitation
Component size limitations
There is 61mm of distance between the motherboard to the hard drive. If you use a memory
similar to the one shown in the illustration, please remove the heatsink on it prior to installation.
Zwischen Motherboard und Festplatte verbleiben 61 mm Platz. Sofern Sie Speichermodule
verwenden, die dem Modul in der Illustration ähneln, entfernen Sie vor der Installation den Kühlkörper.
Il y a une distance de 61mm entre la carte mère et les disques durs. Si vous avez des barrettes
mémoires similaires à celles montrées dans l'illustration, veuillez démonter les dissipateurs avant de
les installer.
Existe una distancia de 61mm desde la placa base hasta el disco duro. Si usa una memoria similar a la
que se muestra en la ilustración, quite por favor el radiador antes de la instalación
Ci sono 61mm di distanza tra la scheda madre e l’hard drive. Se utilizzate memorie simili a quelle
mostrate in foto, rimuovete il dissipatore superiore prima dell’installazione.
메인보드에서 하드 드라이브까지 61mm의 공간 여유가 있습니다. 아래 그림과 유사한 메모리를 사용할 경우 설치 전에 히트싱크를
제거하시기 바랍니다.
從主機板表面至硬碟的距離有61mm ,視您的主機板而定。主硬碟架上的硬碟有可能會檔在記憶體上方,如果你有如類似下圖的記憶體,
从主机板表面至硬盘的距离有61mm ,视您的主机板而定。主硬盘架上的硬盘有可能会文件在内存上方,如果你有如类似下图的内存,
Расстояние между материнской платой и жестким диском должно составлять 61 мм. При использовании модуля памяти,
аналогичного показанному на рисунке перед установкой снимите с него радиатор.
(5) Motherboard size limitation
Component size limitations
FT04 supports up to SSI-EEB (Extended ATX motherboard), New generation of SSI-CEB server or workstation motherboards no longer require
CPU cooler mounting holes on the motherboard tray. Coolers can now be installed directly on the motherboard. As a result, we eliminated support
for SSI-CEB CPU cooler mounting holes and instead increased the large gap on the motherboard tray to support CPU cooler back plates swapping
with more LGA 1156/1155 motherboards. The FT04 chassis’ support for new and future SSI-CEB motherboards should be unaffected by this
Note: FT04 has standard screw hole for motherboards and does not include additional screw hole that some server motherboards require.