Rivers Edge RE715 Fast Stick User Manual
Page 4

Check for parts online at
www.huntriversedge.com or call 800-450-EDGE (3343) M-F 8-5
Check for parts online at
www.huntriversedge.com or call 800-450-EDGE (3343) M-F 8-5
Operator's Manual
Fast Stick Climbing Aids
1. Standing on ground, with (1) Fast Stick section against tree, take the snap
hook end of strap and wrap it around the tree. Connect hook to opposite slot
of attachment bracket by snapping into slot. Pull the tail of cam strap tight
so that the section is snugly secured to the tree. SEE FIGURE 3. Be certain all
(4) contact points of tree huggers, (2) on each hugger, are contacting tree.
noTe: Be sure you wrap the strap correctly so there are no twists in the
strap and cam lever of buckle is facing away from the tree.
2. Take the section and pull down on it so it feels stable and is settled into using
position before stepping on it. Check again to be certain all (4) contact points
of tree huggers are contacting tree. Redo as necessary to accomplish this.
3. While properly wearing/using a Full Body Harness with a lineman's/climbing belt,
climb the Fast Stick section only far enough to attach the second section to the
tree. Repeat steps 1 & 2 for proper attachment of all remaining Fast Stick sections.
4. Reverse setup and use instructions to remove Fast Stick sections from the tree.
Figure 3
Tools needed – two 7/16” wrenches
IMPoRTAnT AsseMBlY TIP: do noT TIGHTen nuT & BolT coMBInA-
TIons coMPleTelY unTIl All PARTs ARe AsseMBled ToGeTHeR!
FInGeR TIGHTen onlY Plus one TuRn oF A WRencH onlY! THIs WIll
TeMPoRARIlY Hold THe locK nuT on THe BolT WHIle HelPInG AlIGn-
MenT oF All PARTs! AFTeR All PARTs ARe AsseMBled ToGeTHeR, All
nuT & BolT coMBInATIons MusT Be coMPleTelY TIGHTened!
1. Attach (2) tree huggers (SS12) to each Fast Stick weldment (48161) using (2)
provided 1/4-20 x 3” bolts, (2) locknuts and (2) 1/4” washers. SEE FIGURE 1.
noTe: Head of bolts should be on the front side of step and locknuts should
be on back side of tree hugger.
2. Attach the provided anti-slip tape (48104) to the top side of each step. The
step must be clean and at room temperature to assure proper adhesion.
3. a. Using (1) of the provided cam strap assemblies (48302), insert the loop end
of the short strap through slot of strap attachment bracket located on to the
vertical post of Fast Stick weldment. You may choose either slot, depending
on left or right hand preference. SEE FIGURE 2A.
b. Take the entire cam strap assembly and feed it through the loop and pull
tight forming a cinch knot. This permanently attaches the strap to the Fast
Stick section. SEE FIGURES 2B and 2C.
c. Repeat steps 3a and 3b to attach remaining strap assemblies to remaining
Fast Stick sections.
Figure 1
1/4" washer
tree hugger
1/4-20 x 3" bolt
Figure 2a
Figure 2b
Figure 2c