Image settings tab – Alps Electric MD-5000P User Manual

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Printer Driver

Image Settings Tab

Set the brightness, contrast, and color balance of the printed image in this tab.

Photo Enhancement

This option allows you to select either automatic satu-
ration or color balance.

When Use Automatic option is selected, you can use
Saturation or Color Balance option.

• Saturation

To increase the contrast in an image.

• Color Balance

To intensify the colors and lighten the midtones in
an image.

• Darker Black

When this box is checked, black is created using all
four inks (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black), so that
the black portions of a color photograph or other
graphic are blended more naturally.


Adjust the brightness and contrast of the image by mov-
ing the sliders.

Increasing the brightness makes the entire image
brighter. Increasing the contrast intensifies the differ-
ences between light and dark areas.

Color Match

This setting allows the printer to adjust colors accord-
ing to the data type, for higher color printing quality.
The available options are as follows:

• None

No color matching.

• Use Driver’s Matching

Color matching is performed automatically by the
printer driver.

• Match for Graphics/Texts

Colors are adjusted for business documents that con-
tain some graphics. When Graphics/Texts is selected
in the Document Types setting, this option is auto-
matically selected.

• Match for Photographs

Colors are adjusted for photographs or illustrations.
When Photographs is selected in the Document
Types setting, this option is automatically selected.

Color Balance

This setting allows you to adjust the color balance of the
printed image. Click on the Color Balance button to dis-
play the color balance setup sliders. Move the sliders to
change the color balance settings.

• Saturation

Adjusts the color intensity of the printed image. Mov-
ing the slider to the right intensifies the colors, and
makes the printed colors more vivid. Moving it to the
left reduces the color intensity, and makes the printed
colors more dull.

• Red Strength

Adjusts the brightness of red in the printed image. Mov-
ing the slider to the right intensifies red, while moving
it to the left reduces the intensity of red.

• Green Strength

Adjusts the brightness of green in the printed image.
Moving the slider to the right intensifies green, while
moving it to the left reduces the intensity of green.

• Blue Strength

Adjusts the brightness of blue in the printed image.
Moving the slider to the right intensifies blue, while
moving it to the left reduces the intensity of blue.