Electro Cam PS-2252-12-PT1 NFEI User Manual

Electro Cam Accessories communication

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Net Forward Encoder Interface

The PS-2252-12-TP1 Net Forward Encoder Interface (NFEI) accepts inputs from the A and B channels of a standard
quadrature encoder. The NFEI outputs a pulse for each forward direction transition of the encoder, but reverse direction
transitions result in no pulses. Furthermore, following reverse movement, no output pulses result from forward move-
ment until the encoder position exceeds the furthermost forward position reached before the reverse movement. The
NFEI rejects jitter resulting from mechanical oscillation at a transition point of the encoder with the system at a zero
average velocity. Note: If more than 65,535 consecutive reverse encoder transitions are made, an Overflow output on
the NFEI is activated indicating that the reverse counter has lost track of reverse transitions.

A reset input allows clearing

the reverse counter in order to restart.


Metric Rd • Roscoe,

IL 61073



FAX 815/389-3304

800-228-5487 (U.S.A. and Canada)

Channel A, Channel B: Standard Quadrature encoder A and B channels.
Reset: Resets internal reverse counter when high-level.

Out 0: High-going pulse indicates forward increment of encoder.
Overflow: High level indicates overflow of internal 16-bit reverse counter.

Voltage Levels
Channel A & B Inputs: 5-15 VDC.
Reset Input On voltage: Optically isolated, 4.0 VDC min @ 10 mA.
Out 0 & Overflow Outputs: 7406 open collector.
VOL = 0.4V max @ IOL = 16 mA. VOH = 30V max.

Time Between Encoder Channel Edges: 17 microseconds minimum.
Reset Input Pulse Width: 50 microseconds minimum.
Output Pulse Width: 20 microseconds minimum.

CW/CCW: Dip switch sets forward rotation direction.
1st switch ON = CW. 1st switch OFF = CCW. Switches 2-6 are not used.

Power Supply
Supply Voltage: 11-15 VDC.
Supply Current: 90 mA @ 12 VDC.

Operating Temperature: 0


to 55


C (32


to 131



Storage Temperature: -40


to 70


C (-40


to 160



Humidity: 95% maximum relative non-condensing.

Brackets accept EN-50035 (''G'' profile) or EN-50022 (''Top Hat'' profile) DIN rail.
EN-50035 (''G'' profile) included.