a/d/s/ P850 User Manual
Page 11

xover control 5/6 (P650) – The crossover selection for channels
5&6 has three possibilities:
When the switch is in the left position, the crossover section of the
amplifier is bypassed. Channel 5&6 output is full range.
When the switch is the center position, channels 5&6 are filtered
through a 12dB per octave high-pass crossover that is infinitely
variable from 45Hz to 5,000Hz.
When the switch is in the right position, channels 5&6 receive signal
from the crossover output of channels 3&4.
xover control 7/8 – The crossover selection for channels 7&8 has
three possibilities:
When the switch is in the left position, the crossover section of the
amplifier is bypassed. Channel 7 & 8 output is full range.
When the switch is the center position, channels 7 & 8 are filtered
through a 12dB per octave high-pass crossover that is infinitely
variable from 45Hz to 5,000Hz.
When the switch is in the right position, channels 7 & 8 receive signal
from the crossover output of channels 5 & 6.
System 3 – The P850 is used in fully active 8-channel mode. Channels 1/2 are high-passed for
front tweeters. Channels 3/4 are bandpassed for front midrange. Channels 5/6 are bandpassed for
front midbass. Channels 7/8 are low-passed for subwoofers. The P850 is configured for 2-channel
Note: Optional AC502 can be used in this system to adjust the level of the subwoofers.
System 4 – The P850 is used in bridged 4-channel mode. Channels 1/2 and 3/4 are high-passed
bridged-mono for front speakers. Channels 5/6 and 7/8 are low-passed summed bridged for sub-
woofers. Front speaker level control is adjusted by the ch3/4 level control. Subwoofer level is con-
trolled by the ch5/6 level control. the P840.2 is configured for 2-channel input.
Note: Optional AC502 can be used in this system to adjust the level of the subwoofers.