Manufacturer’s product warranty, Precautions for operation – Nova-Tech Chem-Tech Prime Performance Series User Manual

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The manufacturer warrants its equipment of its manufacture to be free of defects in material or workmanship. Liability

under this policy extends for twenty-four (24) months from the date of purchase or one (1) year from date of installation or

whichever comes first. The manufacturer’s liability is limited to repair or replacement of any device or part which is

returned, prepaid, to the factory and which is proven defective upon examination. This warranty does not include

installation or repair cost and in no event shall the manufacturer’s liability exceed its selling price of such part.

The manufacturer disclaims all liability for damage to its products through improper installation, maintenance, use or

attempts to operate such products beyond their functional capacity, intentionally or otherwise, or any unauthorized repair.

Replaceable elastomeric parts are expendable and are not covered by any warranty either expressed or implied. The

manufacturer is not responsible for consequential or other damages, injuries or expense incurred through use of its


The above warranty is in lieu of any other warranty, either expressed or implied. The manufacturer makes no warranty of

fitness or merchantability. No agent of ours is authorized to make any warranty other than the above.

For warranty and service matters within the European Union, contact the seller first or:

Pulsafeeder, Inc. Europe

Units 12 and 13, Edison Road

Highfield Industrial Estates

Eastbourne, East Sussex BN23 6PT


Each Series 100/150 chemical feeder has been tested to meet prescribed specifications and certain safety standards.

However, a few precautionary notes should be adhered to at all times. THOROUGHLY READ ALL CAUTIONS PRIOR TO


1. Chemicals used may be dangerous and should be used carefully and according to warnings on the label. Follow

the directions given with each type of chemical. Do not assume chemicals are the same because they look alike.

Always store chemicals in a safe location away from children and others. We cannot be responsible for the

misuse of chemicals being fed by the pump.

2. Always wear protective clothing (protective gloves and safety glasses) when working on or near chemical

metering pumps.

3. Tampering with electrical devices can be potentially hazardous. Always place chemicals and feeder installation

well out of the reach of children and others.

4. Be careful to check that the voltage of the installation matches the voltage indicated on the specification label.

Each pump is equipped with a three prong plug. Whether plugging into a receptacle or wiring into a system,

always be sure the feeder is grounded. If receptacle is utilized, to disconnect, do not pull wire but grip the plug

with fingers and pull out.

5. Never repair or move the metering pump while operating. Always disconnect electrical current. Before handling

the pump always allow sufficient time for the motor housing to cool off. Handling the pump too soon after

shutdown may cause hand burns. For safety use protective gloves.

6. All pumps are pretested with water before shipment. Remove head and dry thoroughly if you are pumping a

material that will react with water, (e.g. sulfuric acid). Valve seats, ball checks, gaskets, and diaphragm should

also be dried. Before placing feeder into service, extreme care should be taken to follow this procedure.

7. Arrows on the pump head and injection fitting indicate chemical flow. When properly installed, these arrows

should be pointing upward.

8. When metering hazardous material DO NOT use plastic tubing. Strictly use proper rigid pipe. Consult supplier for

special adaptors.

9. Pump is NOT to be used to handle or meter flammable liquids or materials.