Electrical – Airstream CLASSIC TRAILER User Manual

Page 78

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: The gases generated within

a storage battery cell may be ignited by an open

flame or spark in the vicinity of the battery. Do not

use a match or flame to provide light for checking

the level of the water.

During the winter the battery should be removed from

the trailer and stored in a cool, dry place, where there

is no danger of freezing. It should be kept full of water,

cleaned and charged monthly. A battery that is allowed

to completely lose its charge will never regain its

original power or a full charge.

Slide the battery out onto the opened compartment

door for service and removal or take it out of the battery


For battery service or replacement, go to any service

station or dealer who sells and services the make

battery installed in your trailer.

When being towed, the 12-volt battery in your trailer is

receiving a constant charge from the car’s generator or

alternator through the seven-way connector. Your tow

vehicle’s voltage regulator controls the charge rate. It is

important to keep the seven-way connector clean. One

method is to use “Spra-Kleen”.

Whenever possible use the automatic built in converter

system for charging. The charging circuit automatically

controls the current, reducing it as the battery increases

in charge.

At service stations make certain they give your battery

a slow charge because quick charges will drastically

shorten the life of the battery, as will allowing repeated

complete discharges.


The converter system is the interior low voltage

electrical system that enables you to use the interior

lights, fans, pumps and 12-volt appliances whether

operating on self-contained battery power or 120-volt

city power. The converter provides power to charge

the trailer battery and to operate the 12-volt interior

electrical system.

On rear bed models it is located under the sofa and

accessed by opening the sofa drawer. Units with slide-

outs have the converter located inside the front cabinet

on the roadside accessed by removing the drawers.

Front bed models have the converter installed on the

front lower portion of the pantry. Open the brown

decrative door for acces to 12-volt fuses and 110 volt


The converter provides power to the 12-volt distribution

panel by transforming 120-volt alternating current (AC)

from the shoreline into 12-volt direct current (DC).

While providing power to the distribution panel, the

converter also charges the 12-volt battery system.

The converter is energized only when the trailer is hooked

up to 120-volt city power through the shoreline.

Converter Testing

A. Confirm 120 volt power is going into converter.

B. Disconnect the 12+ wire from the master switch.

C. Using a voltmeter check voltage output between

heavy positive and negative wires coming out of


D. The voltage must be within 13.8 and 14.0 volts. (The

meter of the tester should be calibrated periodically.)

E. If converter is not within these voltages, replace it.


The current in the converter system is 12 volts direct

current (12VDC) negative grounded.

Power sources that supply 12VDC current to the

system are as follows:

A. Main charge line from tow vehicle

B. Trailer Battery

C. Converter

The power sources above are all electrically connected