Multichannel Systems NN-RM User Manual

Multi channel systems, Nn-rm

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Scope of delivery:
1 rod mount (stainless steel) for manipulator, length 200 mm, diameter 8 mm
1 grounding cable with multi-disk connector
2 screws (M3x6) to fix the adapter for the NeuroNexus Probe

It is possible to connect various adapters to the rod mount. Working with different adapters you can
add different probes, for example ADPT-NN-8 or ADPT-NN-32. To connect one of the micro or miniature
preamplifiers μPA16 or μPA32 or MPA8 or MPA32 from Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH directly to the
NN-RM rod mount, please use the provided mounting plates.

Multi Channel Systems
Aspenhaustrasse 21
72770 Reutlingen

Fon +49-7121-9 09 25- 0
Fax +49-7121-9 09 25-11

[email protected]

}2014 Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH

Product information is subject to change
without notice.


NN-RM Rod Mount connected
to a Holding and Positioning
Unit (HPU) and a μPA32
preamplifier via
mounting plate.

Diameter of
the NN-RM

Rod Mount for NeuroNexus Probes
and for Micro and Miniature Preamplifiers





NeuroNexus Probe
fixed on an adapter

Adapters for the NN-RM rod mount, for example:

Dimensions of the
head of the NN-RM