Noise test of the system setup – Multichannel Systems MEA2100-System User Manual
Page 3

Connection of the Temperature Controller TC02 (TC01)
Controller TC01/02
Power Outlet
Power Supply Unit
TC01/02 Rear Panel
Headstage Side Panel
CA Cable:
D-Sub9 to Pt100
1. Connect the temperature controller with the power supply unit to the power outlet.
2. Connect the temperature controller with the CA cable (D-Sub9 to Pt100) to the headstage.
The connector is symetrical, so the orientation of the connector is irrevlevant.
3. Connect the temperature controller to the USB cable A - B to an USB 2.0 port of the computer.
If you have several temperature controllers, use the provided USB hub.
Noise Test of the System Setup
The provided test model probe is used for
testing the noise level of the electrodes.
It is already inserted in your headstage and
the grounding cables (black, about 5cm) are
1. Open the data acquisition software MC_Rack on your computer.
If you have a headstage with 2 MEA slots, please open MC_Rack twice.
2. Add the system as data source:
Select „Edit“, then „Data Source Setup“.
Select „Data Source“ like shown on the screenshot.
Adjust only the number of channels, the type of
amplifier and the MEA (8x8 for 60-electrode, 12x12
for 120-electrode systems).Click OK.
3. Add the data source to your rack ( ).
4. Insert a display ( ), choose the tab „Layout“ and mark „Default Map“.
5. In the rack window, mark „MEA2100 (S/N...)“ and select the tab „Hardware“. Set the Input Voltage Range
to the lowest value (-9.8 to +9.8 mV).
6. Press the start button ( ).
7. The noise level should be between ±10 to 15 µV. You might need to adjust the Y-axis.
8. If you experience higher noise than that, please consult the „troubleshooting“ chapter in the manual
(MEA2100-System_Manual.pdf). Make sure that the amplifier is grounded.
If you ordered a MEA2100-System without perfusion, you are now done with the setup and can start to
use the devices. Please see #7 for testing and practicing with signal generators. If you ordered
a MEA2100-System with perfusion (MEA2100-60/2x60/120-E), please continue the setup with #5.
USB Cable A-B
GND-socket in
GND-socket in