Page 18

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1. Check unit's fittings, electrical connectors, hoses, nuts, screws, and overall general condition for

proper assembly and position.

2. Verify coolant mixture level on the unit’s level sight window. If no fluid is visible, connect unit's battery

leads to power supply, verify that the LOW FLUID LEVEL light and the alarm are activated; sound of
alarm should be loud and clear. Disconnect from power. If fluid is above 4-quart mark, continue with
step 4.

3. Remove fuel tank filler cap, add a minimum of 6 quarts of coolant mixture (or water).

Re-connect power to unit, verify that the low level alarm and light have turned off automatically.

4. Connect an adapter to the RED hose (Used Coolant / Vacuum hose). Insert the hose into the unit’s

coolant tank until the adapter is submerged. Insert an adapter into the unit’s clear braided disposal
hose coupler and direct into the unit’s coolant tank or into a suitable container for temporary storage
of antifreeze coolant mixture. Verify that the GREEN, (New Coolant supply) hose, is not connected to
an adapter.

5. Press the Power switch to VACUUM position. Verify that vacuum pump runs and that it pulls 20 inch’s

vacuum and good flow out of the drain hose, (Vacuum gauge not part of the machine). If flow is not
good, check external filter for a clogged condition.

6. Disconnect the adapter from the Red hose and install it onto the Green hose. Direct hose into the

measured container. Press the power switch to the SERVICE side, verify that coolant mixture flow is
minimum of One Quart, (1-qt.), per 15 seconds @ 5-6 psi on the unit’s pressure gauge.

7. Connect both Green Output/ Red Return Hoses together using two compatible step adapters and a

hose secured with a hose clamp.

8. Kink the Green hose then press the Power switch to the SERVICE position. Release kinked hose,

verify that the unit’s pump runs and coolant flows out through Drain hose into the unit’s tank (or
container). Kink green hose then press Power switch to OFF position.

9. Press the power switch to the VACUUM position, let run until no pressure is shown on the pressure


10. Separate hoses. Connect an open-end adapter onto the Green hose, direct hose into a suitable clean

container for temporary storage of coolant mixture.

11. Let pump run until the low level alarm and light are activated; verify that the pump stops


12. Press the power switch to the OFF position, verify that the alarm stops but the amber low level light

remains illuminated.

13. Press the TOP OFF switch to the ON position. Verify that the system overrides the low level condition

by activating the unit’s supply pump & turning off the amber low-level indicator light.

14. Remove adapters. Disconnect battery leads. Roll up hoses on brackets.
Check internal connections and clean interior.

15. Reinstall unit’s back panel and update unit’s maintenance & repair log.