MIDLAND Albrecht AE600 User Manual
Page 6

The intercom communication quality
between driver and pillion depends on the
environmental noise and the correct
sensitivity adjustment. The AE 600 has a
special noise reduction electronic filter that
improve the sound quality.
AE 600 has a 4 position slide switch (1).
The intercom enables a full duplex
conversation: from driver's mic to pillion's
headphones and vice versa. You may
select 3 different settings:
• Position L (Low): For high speed
motorbike driving. The mic
sensitivity is rather low to avoid
excessive noise pick-up. The
setting is adjusted to normal biker's
talking behaviour: You speak
automatically louder if you are in a
noisy, high speed environment.
• Position M (Medium): For
medium speed. The mic is now
more sensitive, but may react to
wind and engine noise in higher
speed situations.
• Position H (High): High sensitivity, for low speed and other applications. The mic reacts to normal
voice volume.
The audio output of the navigator or Music player is mixed to the headphone audio of driver and passenger
and can be adjusted by the VOLUME potentiometer (4) on the left side of the unit.
Electronic Waste Disposal: If you should not need the Intercom any more or if it should become
defective and cannot be repaired, the new European WEEE directive does not allow any more to
dispose it via your household trash bin. Please dispose electronic items only at the local electronic
waste collecting stations, and remove batteries before disposal.
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