Mirion Technologies R93 User Manual
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r93 VIewIng HeaDs sPecIFIcatIons
anD PerForMance
Plain or water corrected windows are supplied depending upon
the application. A plain window can be used underwater, how-
ever it narrows the viewing angle as follows:
When a water corrected window is used the angle of view in
water is the same as the angle of view of a plain window in air.
The 9mm f2.0 lens focusing range is from 30mm to infinity as
a stock item, but closer focusing can be provided if required,
subject to individual application.
The amount of light that can be provided is governed by a
number of factors, the most important being whether the
camera is to be used in water or air. In water the heat
generated by the lights is dissipated quickly allowing high
power to be used. In air lower power may have to be used
as heat is dissipated more slowly.
In some instances, lights on a particular head may not be
rated for continuous operation in air.
Remote control of the various viewing heads including
rotation, Hi and Lo light levels, and light intensity is available
from the R90 Mk3 Camera Control Unit (CCU). Lighting power
of up to 20 watts is also provided by the R90 Mk3 CCU lighting
Module. Heads requiring higher power outputs, use an R905
LPS external lighting power supply. Interconnecting leads to
the R90 Mk3 CCU enable the lighting power to be routed via
the single camera cable.
sPecIFIcatIon notes For all VIewIng HeaDs
1. The information provided on lighting ranges is approximate
only based on tests made in a dark-room viewing scenes
with reflectivity of 60% using an R93 camera fitted with a
newvicon tube.
2. A “good” picture is defined as one where the illumination
available is sufficient for the camera to produce a 1 volt
composite video signal with a fully open iris.
3. A “usable” picture can usually be obtained dependent on
the scene viewed and environmental factors etc, when the
illumination available is only 1/3 that required to achieve a
1 volt composite video signal with a fully open iris.
4. The “length with camera” dimensions given relate to the
length from the tip of viewing head to the end of the
camera connector.
In applications where there are severe space constraints
care should be taken to allow for the size of the camera
cable mating connector and if necessary, the bend
radius of the connecting camera cable. Please refer to
the Rees R90 series cables and connectors data sheets.