MaxPower Corp Powerware Multi-Server Card User Manual
Powerware, Multi-server card, Technical specifications

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Revised 09/02
Reprint 09/02
Managers need products that give them maximum
control of their power environment and protect
their systems from the harmful effects of power
irregularities. The Powerware Multi-Server card fills
a critical market need, allowing users to monitor
their power environment and gracefully shut down
multiple protected computer systems with a
mixture of various operating systems.
This product is designed to function with any
Powerware UPS that has an X-slot communication
device, and is also compatible with Powerware
Expansion Chassis. The Multi-Server card has six
serial ports, three of which correspond with the
multiple load segments of your Powerware UPS. By
utilizing multiple serial cables and LanSafe software,
you can perform simultaneously yet independent
monitoring and control of up to six servers with a
mixture of operating systems.
This feature allows a manager to configure each server
to provide a graceful shutdown at the optimum time
desired, allowing the most critical loads the maximum
runtime available.
The Multi-Server card includes one serial port that
provides monitoring for low battery, on bypass, or
utility failure conditions. This port also is used for
configuration of the Multi-Server card. Plug and Play
(PnP) protocol allows easy configuration by
automatically identifying the type of PnP device
attached to the serial ports.
Technical specifications
Part number
X-slot card with multiple serial connections for serial commu-
nications with Powerware UPSs
UPS compatibility
PW 5125, PW 9125, PW 9330, PW 9340, Expansion Chassis
Serial cable
Part number 124102022-002
O/S supported for shutdown
All O/S supported by Powerware LanSafe
Operating temperature
0 to 40ºC
Operating humidity
10-80% non-condensing
Power input
9VDC unregulated
Power consumption
1.5 Walls
Dimensions LxWxH (inches)
7 oz.
FCC Class A
Features and Benefits
Multiple serial ports provide
greater power management
control and flexible monitoring
LanSafe compatibility provides
simultaneous monitoring of
computer loads supporting
various operating systems
Independent control of serial
ports gives load shedding capa-
bility for maximum runtime of
critical loads
Simultaneously provides RS-232
monitoring and relay output
Plug and Play (PnP) protocol for
easy configuration
The Multi-Server Card works with:
Powerware 9340
Powerware 9330
Powerware 9125
Powerware 5125
Expansion Chassis