MaxPower Corp C3-S.P.E.A.R. User Manual

Mobile Mobile - Ruggedized
NEMA 4 w/Dual Cooling Relocatable
Instant Data Center or
Network Closet
Remote Office Support
Infrastructure Upgrade
Re-establish Communications
Mobile Computing
Offsite Data Replication
Emergency Management
Disaster Recovery
Data Center Expansion or
Reduce the costs to plan,
build and implement your new
facility by up to 80% vs. a
Traditional Data Center
Reduce footprint up to 75%
Reduce cooling and electrical
costs up to 50%
Reduce operating costs by
Perfectly scalable - build as
you need and pay as you
Enclosures can be delivered
within 8 weeks compared to
two years for a Traditional
Data Center
Climate-Controlled Campus Self-Propelled Electronic Adaptable Rack
Climate-Controlled Campus Self-Propelled Electronic Adaptable Rack
The C
-S.P.E.A.R. is a 24U, NEMA 12 or optional NEMA 4
Micro-Modular Data Center
™ that provides from 2.5 kW or
6.0 k
W of closed loop cooling directly to the industry’s latest
high-density equipment with no need for costly infrastructure.
The mobile platform allows one person to move up to 1,000
pounds of electronic equipment at the push of a button. The
relocatable platform can be moved with a pallet jack.
The compact and affordable C
-S.P.E.A.R. provides the
perfect platform for businesses and government agencies
that require a quick and cost-effective turnkey data storage
solution or co-location alternative. The enclosure also is
available in a ruggedized outdoor platform to deliver high
performance computing in remote and nonstandard locations
throughout the world.