Owner's manual – Atlas Sound AA120M User Manual

Page 19

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Printed in U.S.A.


ATS002179 RevA 01/06





Example 5 - Hotel Room Combining Using Two AA120Ms
This example utilizes the combining feature of the Atlas AA120M mixer amplifiers. The drawing on the
following page shows the equipment connections for two hotel ballrooms, separated by a moveable air
wall. They hotel needs to be able to have the audio system operate has one large unit (air wall open)
or two discreet systems (air wall closed). As indicated in the example, a BGM CD player is shared
between the two AA120Ms, via a "Y" cable, connected to input 5 of each mixer amp. The Bridge terminals
of both amplifiers are connected together, through a DPST switch that makes (combines) or breaks
(separates) the Bridge connections between the amplifiers. When the switch is closed, any audio signal
into either amp will be present at both amplifier's speaker outputs. A volume control and DPST switch
(see drawing for clarity) controls the room audio level and turns the music on or off in each room. For
emergency evacuation purposes, a signal from the hotel's fire alarm system is connected to channel 1
of both amplifiers, with both channel's mute sensitivity adjusted as needed. To mute all audio when the
emergency signal is present, all other channels are set for Mute receive.

• Set Input 1 to Mute Send

• Set Input 2-4 to Mute RCV

Dipswitch Settings

Dipswitch 1 - Off

Dipswitch 2 - Off (Master)

Dipswitch 3 - Off

Dipswitch 4 - Off (Not Affected)

Dipswitch 5 - Off (Not Affected)

Dipswitch 6 - Set to required gain

Dipswitch 7 - On (Mic)

Dipswitch 8 - On (Mic)

Dipswitch 9 - On (Mic)

Dipswitch 10 - Off (Tel/Line)