Installation and operating instructions – Lectrosonics UDR200a User Manual
Page 7

Wireless Diversity Receiver
1) If operating the unit from AC power, determine the line
voltage to be used and set the Line Voltage Selector on the
rear panel to match. The units are shipped with the proper
size fuse for use with 120V systems (315mA). If the unit will
be used in a 220V environment, change the fuse to a 160mA
of the same type. See the section “UDR200 Replacement
Parts and Accessories” for manufacturer part numbers of the
correct type and value for 110 and 220 Volt supplies.
2) Locate a suitable operating location where the receiver will
not be subjected to extreme temperature variations and pos
sible bumps and drops. Try to route all wiring so it will not
cross walkways or isles.
3) Connect the power. For 120V AC operation, connect the
power cord to the AC input jack on the rear panel and plug the
other end into a suitable electrical outlet. If 12 to 14 Volt DC
operation is desired, a power cord will need to be fabricated.
Use a three-pin connector for the UDR200 end and wire the
+12 to pin 2, –12 to pin 3, and Gnd to pin 1. Make the length
of the DC cable long enough to suit your installation and
prepare and connect the source end of the cable.
4) Attach the antenna cables to the BNC jacks on the rear of the
UDR200 and place the antennas. Best performance will be
obtained if the antennas are placed at least 3 feet from each
other. Try to mount them as high as possible with a direct line
of sight path to the transmitter.
5) Set the Audio Output level control to minimum (CCW) and
connect the Audio Output XLR jack to the mixer input. Pins
2 and 3 of the XLR jack are HI and LO and can be reversed
with the Phase switch, pin 1 is common.
6) Preset the following controls:
MODE (front panel) to DIVERSITY
MONITOR (front panel) to minimum (CCW)
PHASE (rear panel) to 0
AUDIO OUTPUT (rear panel) to -40 (full CCW)
7) Turn the unit on with the front panel Power switch and check
to see that the red Pilot LED is off (be sure the transmitter is
turned off.)
8) Turn on the transmitter and adjust the transmitter gain.
is perhaps the most important step in the setup proce
Adjust the transmitter so that voice peaks will light
the 0 LED on the UDR200 front panel Transmitter Audio
Level dB strip. The red LIM LED on the transmitter may
flash occasionally. This is normal but it should not happen
very often. See your transmitter manual (Operating Instruc
tions section) for specific directions on how to adjust the gain
of your particular transmitter.
9) After adjusting the transmitter gain, set the rear panel Audio
Output level control to the desired level. The -40 setting is
approximately equal to 10mV, the 0 position will give
0.775VRMS, and the +15 setting will allow up to 4.4 VRMS.
This setting will depend on the requirements of your system.
10) Operate the system and re-adjust the receiver output level as
required for your equipment. The input levels on different
VCR’s and PA equipment vary, which may require that you
set the Audio Output control in an intermediate position. Try
different settings and listen to the results. If the output of the
receiver is too high, you may hear distortion or a loss of the
natural dynamics of the audio signal. If the output is too low,
you may hear steady noise (hiss) along with the audio.
11) Set the operating frequency. The left switch changes the
operating frequency by 1.6 MHz per step and the right switch
changes it 100 kHz per step. If you are experiencing interfer
ence, change the operating frequency in 100 kHz steps to find
a clear channel. If it is not possible to find a clear channel
using the 100 kHz switch, return it to its original position and
change the 1.6 MHz switch by one click then try the 100 kHz
switch again.
To gain access to these switches, slide the access door up with
a fingernail.
The UDR200 is frequency agile within the 5 MHz passband
of the front-end filters. It is possible to choose a frequency
that is outside the passband of the front-end filters. Reduced
operating range and increased noise can result if the receiver
is operating outside of its range.
We recommend that you never set the 1.6MHz switch more
than one click from the default position
Each receiver is factory aligned at the center of its operating
range. The default position of the frequency select switches
is in the center of the receiver passband.
Figure 4 - Frequency Select Switches, Default Position
Rio Rancho, NM – USA