Ha2401rtge_2 – L-com HA2401RTGE User Manual
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Typical PoE Amplifier Applications
Powering the Amplifier and Access Point using a Single PoE Ethernet Cable
(see application diagrams)
This application is used to provide power to the amplifier and one additional PoE device using a CAT5
Ethernet cable. Power is "Injected" into the CAT5 cable (which is carrying data only) using an injector kit.
For most applications we recommend our BT-CAT5-P1-4840 48VDC 40Watt injector kit. From there the
CAT5 Ethernet cable that now carries both power and data is attached to "PoE In" jack on the amplifier.
The amplifier receives its power from this connection. Data and Power is passed to the "PoE Out" jack on
the amplifier and then can be connected to an additional PoE device such as a wireless access point. Note:
HyperLink's CA-POE-02 CAT5 conversion cable is required for use with Cisco® AP's.
Powering the Amplifier using it's own Dedicated 48V PoE Line
(see application diagrams)
In this application the amplifier receives its power from a dedicated 48V PoE line. For this we recommend
using our PS4820-POE 48VDC 20W Injector/Power Supply. Power is injected into a CAT5 cable which is
then attached to the amplifier's "PoE In" jack. This application is ideal for remote powering of the amplifier
Powering the Amplifier Directly with 12VDC Power Supply or Vehicle Power
(see application diagrams)
To power the amplifier directly, we recommend using our PS1212-21R 12VDC 12W power supply. In
mobile applications the amplifier can also be powered using our PS-LIGHTER-06 12VDC Vehicle Lighter
Plug. Note: The PoE ports on the amplifier are not used in this application.
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