Atek electronic Secure Password Organizer LG10B User Manual
Page 11

Logio User’s Manual, page
maximum number of 15 allowed, the higher level of security you will have. (If you
enter more digits than can display on one screen, the screen will shift to the right.)
It is very important that for your Logio master passcode you use random numbers
that nobody else will be able to guess. Numbers that are not random sequences, such
as 11111111, 12345678, 87654321, and 11223344 must be avoided.
One good way to memorize a long and random passcode is to remember a
“passphrase”, which is a randomly found or made up sentence, such as “All I ever
do is eat and sleep” (passphrases that are common expressions, such as “A fool
and his money are soon parted”, must be avoided). The first letter (or second, or
last, whatever you choose) of each word in the sentence corresponds to a particular
button on your Logio keypad. In our example, the letter “A” in the word “All” is
the number “2” because “A” and “2” are on the same button
. In our example
we have eight words, and if you used the first letter of each word, you would be
entering 24334327 since these buttons contain the letters AIEDIEAS. So, if you use
this passphrase technique, for your master passcode you are memorizing words
and are in your own mind entering letters instead of numbers. But since Logio only
recognizes numbers for the master passcode, you would not push the buttons on
Logio multiple times to choose a particular letter. For example, pushing the “2” button
one time on your Logio when entering a master passcode could mean “A”, “B”, “C”,
or “2” to you, but to Logio it is just a “2”. So that means regardless of whether want
to enter an “A”, “B”, “C”, or “2”, you would do the same thing, namely, push the “2”
button one time only.
When entering your master passcode during the initial setup and every time you turn
on your Logio, each number you input will display on the screen with an asterisk to
“mask” the number you are entering so nobody can see it over your shoulder:
When you are done entering your master passcode, push
If you enter more than 15 digits, your Logio will not accept them. If you enter less
than eight digits, the screen will display:
Initial Setup