Introduction table of contents – A.O. Smith BTX-80 SERIES 100 User Manual

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thank You for purchasing this water heater. Properly installed and

maintained, it should give you years of trouble free service.
Abbreviations Found In This Instruction Manual:

• CSA - Canadian Standards Association

• ANSI - American National Standards Institute

• NFPA - National Fire Protection Association

• ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers

• GAMA - Gas Appliance Manufacturer’s Association

• UL - Underwriters Laboratories Inc.

This gas-fired water heater is design certified by Underwriters

Laboratories Inc. under American National Standard/CSA Standard

for Gas Water Heaters ANSI Z21.10.3 • CSA 4.3 (current edition).

qualIfIed Installer or servIce aGencY

Installation and service of this water heater requires ability equivalent

to that of a Qualified Agency (as defined by ANSI below) in the field

involved. Installation skills such as plumbing, air supply, venting,

gas supply and electrical supply are required in addition to electrical

testing skills when performing service.
ansI Z223.1 2006 sec. 3.3.83: “Qualified Agency” - “Any individual,

firm, corporation or company that either in person or through a

representative is engaged in and is responsible for (a) the installation,

testing or replacement of gas piping or (b) the connection, installation,

testing, repair or servicing of appliances and equipment; that is

experienced in such work; that is familiar with all precautions required;

and that has complied with all the requirements of the authority

having jurisdiction.”
If you are not qualified (as defined by ANSI above) and licensed or

certified as required by authority having jurisdiction to perform a given

task do not attempt to perform any of the procedures described in this

manual. If you do not understand the instructions given in this manual

do not attempt to perform any procedures outlined in this manual.

preparInG for the InstallatIon

1. Read “General Safety Information” section, page 3 and 4 of this manual

first and then entire manual carefully. If you don’t follow safety rules,

the water heater will not operate properly. It could cause DEATH,


This manual contains instructions for installation, operation, and

maintenance of the gas-fired water heater. It also contains warnings

throughout the manual that you must read and be aware of. All

warnings and all instructions are essential to proper operation of the

water heater and your safety. Since we cannot put everything on the

first few pages,

read entIre Manual Before atteMptInG

to Install or operate the water heater.

2. The installation must conform with these instructions and local code

authority having jurisdiction. In absence of local codes, installation

must comply with current editions of the National Fuel Gas Code,

ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 and National Electrical Code, NFPA 70 or CAN/

CSA-B149.1, the Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code and CSA

C22.1, Canadian Electrical Code. All documents are available from

Canadian Standards Association, 8501 East Pleasant Valley Road,

Cleveland, OH 44131. NFPA documents are also available from National

Fire Protection Association, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, MA 02269.

3. The water heater when installed must be grounded in accordance

with the local codes, or in the absence of local codes: the National

Electrical Code (NFPA 70) or the Canadian Electrical Code (C22.1).

4. If after reading this manual you have any questions or do not

understand any portion of the instructions, call the local gas utility or

the manufacturer whose name appears on the rating plate.

5. Carefully plan the place where you are going to put the water heater.

Correct combustion, vent action, and vent pipe installation are

very important in preventing death from possible carbon monoxide

poisoning and fires, see Figures 1 and 2.

Examine the location to ensure the water heater complies with the

“Locating the New Water Heater” section in this manual.

6. For California installation this water heater must be braced,

anchored, or strapped to avoid falling or moving during an

earthquake. See instructions for correct installation procedures.

Instructions may be obtained from California Office of the State

Architect, 400 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.

7. Massachusetts Code requires this water heater to be installed in

accordance with Massachusetts 248-CMR 2.00: State Plumbing

Code and 248-CMR 5.00.

8. Complies with SCAQMD rule #1146 and districts having equivalent

NOx requirements.


taBle of contents

SAFE INSTALLATION, USE AND SERVICE........................................ 2

APPROVALS ........................................................................................ 2

GENERAL SAFETY INFORMATION ................................................. 3-4

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................ 5

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................. 5

Qualified Installer or Service Agency ............................................ 5

Preparing for the Installation ........................................................ 5


OF MASSACHUSETTS ........................................................................ 6

TYPICAL INSTALLATION .................................................................. 7-9

ROUGH IN DIMENSIONS .................................................................. 10

LOCATING THE NEW WATER HEATER .......................................11-14

Facts to Consider About Location ..........................................11-12

Insulation Blankets ..................................................................... 12

Air Requirements ........................................................................ 12

Unconfined Space ...................................................................... 13

Confined Space .......................................................................... 13

Fresh Air Openings for Confined Spaces ................................... 13

Outdoor Air Through One and Two Openings ............................ 13

Outdoor Air Through Horizontal and Vertical Ducts .................... 14

Air from Other Indoor Spaces ..................................................... 14

INSTALLING THE NEW WATER HEATER ................................... 15-28

Chemical Vapor Corrosion.......................................................... 15

Water Piping ............................................................................... 15

Space Heating and Potable Water System ................................ 15

Closed Water Systems ............................................................... 15

Thermal Expansion .................................................................... 16

Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve ....................................... 16-17

High Altitude Installation ............................................................. 17

Gas Piping .................................................................................. 17

Sediment Traps .......................................................................... 18

Filling the Water Heater .............................................................. 18

Vent Pipe Assembly .................................................................... 19

Venting ....................................................................................... 19

Vent Pipe Termination ................................................................ 20

Planning the Vent System .......................................................... 21

Condensate ........................................................................... 21-22

Blower Assembly Installation ...................................................... 22

Installation of Vent System ......................................................... 22

Vent Terminal Installation, Sidewall ....................................... 22-23

Installation of Vent System, Sidewall .......................................... 24

Installation of Vertical Vent System ............................................ 24

Vent Attenuation Assembly Installation Instructions ................... 25

Vent Pipe Preparation ........................................................... 27-28

LIGHTING & OPERATING LABEL ..................................................... 29

TEMPERATURE REGULATION ........................................................ 30

FOR YOUR INFORMATION ............................................................... 31

Start Up Conditions .................................................................... 31

Operational Conditions ............................................................... 31

PERIODIC MAINTENANCE .......................................................... 32-34

Venting System Inspection ......................................................... 32

Burner Operation and Inspection ............................................... 32

Burner Cleaning ......................................................................... 32

Housekeeping ............................................................................ 32

Anode Rod Inspection ........................................................... 32-33

Temperature-Pressure Relief Valve Test .................................... 33

Draining and Flushing ................................................................ 33

Service ....................................................................................... 34

LEAKAGE CHECKPOINTS ................................................................ 34

TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDELINES ............................................ 35-38

LIMITED WARRANTY ........................................................................ 39