CONTREX M-Traverse User Manual
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CP-15 Engineering Units
CP-15 is your Engineering Unit measurement of a laypitch. Place the decimal in the location of your desired resolution
(to the tens, hundreds or thousands place). All of the other Control Parameters or Monitor Parameters that display in
E.U.s will automatically display the correct decimal position.
CP-16 Lead PPR Reel
CP-16 is the number of Lead encoder lines that the Lead Frequency input registers as a result of one revolution of the
reel. When you calculate this variable, be sure to consider all gear reductions, belt reductions and other types of
reducers. Use the following procedure to check CP-16:
1) Place the M-Traverse in F-Stop.
2) Activate the Home Set input (clears the Lead position to zero).
3) Place the M-Traverse in F-Stop.
4) Display MV-43 (Lead Position).
5) Move the Lead one revolution of the reel.
6) MV-43 should now be the same as CP-16.
CP-17 Follower Lines per Engineering Units
CP-17 is the number of Follower encoder lines that the Feedback Frequency input registers as a result of the Follower
laypitch that was entered in CP-15. When you calculate this variable, be sure to consider all gear reductions, belt
reductions and other types of reducers. Use the following procedure to check CP-17:
1) Place the M-Traverse in F-Stop.
2) Activate the Home Set input (clears the Follower position to zero).
3) Place the M-Traverse in F-Stop.
4) Display MV-44 (Follower Position).
5) Move the Follower one laypitch (CP-15).
6) MV-44 should now be the same as CP-17.
CP-18 PPR Follower (Feedback)
The PPR Follower (CP-18) parameter is the number of pulses per revolution of the feedback encoder (encoder
resolution in lines).
CP-19 Maximum RPM Follower (Feedback)
The Maximum RPM Follower (CP-19) parameter is the RPM of the feedback encoder shaft when the Follower is
operating at maximum speed. When you calculate this variable, be sure to consider all gear reductions, belt reductions
and other types of reducers.
CP-2 Traverse Length
The Traverse Length (CP-2) is the distance in Engineering Units that the Follower mechanism will travel. The Traverse
Length is generally the length of the reel.
O N T R E X , I N C .
O N T R E X , I N C .
O N T R E X , I N C .
O N T R E X , I N C .
O N T R E X , I N C .
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