CONTREX CX-1200 User Manual
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that will be communicated over the network. The correct Parameter Number may be
found in the CX1200 manual. Alternately, you could find the parameter through the
front panel of the CX1200 itself. First, find the target parameter via the Menus. Then
obtain the parameter number off the Help screen for that parameter. Typical parameters
might include FollowerSetpoint (CP-220) and Scaled Feedback (MP-40).
The selected parameter numbers must be entered from the top of the write, or read, list.
If selecting less than 4 items, enter a "0" as the parameter number for the remaining slots
on the list. Note that a Control Parameter (CP-XX) can be written to, but it also can be
on the read list if you wish to have the host monitor, or verify, what value is actually
present in that parameter.
Note regarding Allen Bradley’s DeviceNet Manager:
The DeviceNet option card has now been configured for polling through the above
keyboard entry procedure. It is NOT necessary to use Allen Bradley’s DeviceNet
Manager software, although an experienced user could have configured the polling
connection (Assembly Queue) through that software if desired. If you do use the
Manager, verify that the desired polling parameters do appear on the appropriate CX1200
menu screens. If necessary, try sending a “Start Service” command from the Manager
after configuration. There is a CONTREX option card EDS file available for use with
that software.
Setup the Scanner (Host):
Refer to the instructions for the particular model of scanner for detail information. It will
typically ask for the number of bytes produced, or consumed by the CX1200.
Consumed bytes are those the host will send to the CX1200, and contain the data that you
wish to "write" to the CX1200 parameters.
Produced bytes are those the host expects to receive back from the CX1200, and contain
the data from the "read" list parameters.
Each parameter on the list requires 6 bytes. If all 4 slots were utilized for both the write
and read lists, then both the consumed and the produced byte count would be 4x6=24
Data Format & Definition: