Startup, Pump priming instructions, Ensure that pump rotation is correct – Hydra-Flex Aqua-Lab EVO User Manual User Manual
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Pump Priming Instructions
1. Pull the pump outlet line at the manifold quick-connect. Open ball valve and direct toward a drain or container to
remove the majority of the air from the pump until a steady stream of water is flowing (approx. 1 min).
2. Start the pump using a command from the controller
Ensure that
pump rotation is correct
as indicated by the arrow on the bottom
of the pump and that 200 psi can be reached.
o If pump cannot regulate to 200 psi. remove pump motor cover and
look at shaft to confirm correct rotation
3. Start the pump and slowly open ball valve until it is wide open. Allow to run for 60 seconds to flush lines and then
close valve.
4. Reconnect the high pressure line to the Hydra-Cannon Manifold and open valve.
5. Confirm that the pump can obtain 200 psi while firing solenoids and that the pump housing (stainless steel tube) is
cool to the touch after a minute in operation.
o If housing is hot or noisy then pump did not prime correctly.
6. If pump does not prime, repeat steps 3-5
7. Verify pump prime 24 hours after operation to ensure prime held. Pay close attention to the temperature of the
pump housing (stainless steel area).If it starts getting hotter than the supply water or greater than 140°, then it is
likely that the pump did not prime correctly which will cause damage to pumps. The motor housing (painted
portion) will be hot during operation.