Global Specialties PROTOLAB 4.0 User Manual
Test equipment, Model protolab 4.0, Prototyping circuit simulation software

Simulate a circuit BEFORE building it!
Professional features, hobbyist price
Simple computer interface and operation
Loads of sample circuits to simulate
Great learning tool for budding engineers
Easy-to-use interface: Create AC&DC
circuits moments after installation with
ProtoLab's easy "click & drag" component
Choose from a complete list of active and
passive components
Five virtual instruments allow for instant,
accurate circuit analysis
Pre-designed circuit library included & Low
cost - only $50.00
Easy to use PC interface. Easily create
AC & DC circuits moments after
installation with ProtoLab’s easy “click
and drag” component placement and
on-line help. You choose from a
complete list of active and passive
components, all of which are included.
Once built, you can test and analyze
your circuit with five virtual instruments
also included.
ProtoLab 4.0 is designed to work as a
simulated prototyping lab. Insert
components on a grid, similar to a
breadboard, then test the circuit using
the appropriate test instrument from
the tool bar. ProtoLab’s prototyping
grid area is extensive and can handle a
vast array of active and passive
components. Protolab’s predesigned
circuit library includes: MOSFET &
transistor amplifiers, bridges, sine wave
oscillators, square wave oscillators,
phase shift oscillators, current mirrors,
integrators, differentiators, transistor &
MOSFET monostables, LC oscillators,
tuned collector amplifiers, LC tuned
circuits, power supplies, and voltage
Model Protolab 4.0
Innovative Training Solutions
Test Equipment
Prototyping Circuit Simulation Software
Technical Specifications
Model Protolab
Components include wires, junctions, grounds, resistors, capacitors,
inductors, DC voltage sources, AC voltage sources, DC current sources, AC
current sources, diodes, zener diodes, transistors, and MOSFETs. Including:
Voltmeter, ammeter, wattmeter, oscilloscope, and ohmmeter.
Technical data subject to change without notice.