Biamp AUTOTWO User Manual
Page 4

Active Indicator (Channels 1~8): These dual-color LEDs provide
indication of two channel functions: channel active & peak level.
When a channel is assigned for automixing (gated) operation, the
Active indicator will light green whenever the channel is active
(on). NOTE: The Active indicator does not light green on a
channel assigned for manual (ungated) operation. See Channel
DIP Switches on next page. The Active indicator will also light red
whenever channel signal levels reach +10dB (8dB below clipping).
Use this feature to aid in adjusting the Trim controls (see below).
Trim (Channels 1~8): These controls adjust the channel gain
(0~60dB) to compensate for different input signal levels. For best
performance, adjust these controls so the channel Active indictors
flash red (+10dB) on occasional peaks. NOTE: Accurate Trim
control settings are essential prior to Threshold adjustment (see
Threshold below). Once Threshold has been set, individual
channel sensitivities may be fine-tuned using the Trim controls. If
input signals exceed normal operating range of the Trim controls,
assign the Pad switch (see DIP switches on next page).
Level (Channels 1~8): These controls adjust the amount of signal
sent from the individual input channels to the mixer output section.
Optimum Level setting is near the 12 o'clock position (unity gain).
Threshold: This control adjusts the minimum signal level
(threshold) at which channels will become active (gate on). The
Threshold circuit also has 6dB of hysteresis, which allows a
channel to stay open until the signal level drops below the
threshold by 6dB. This hysteresis reduces the tendency for a
channel to ‘flutter’ on & off when it detects a signal that is right at
the threshold level. Because of the hysteresis, different threshold
settings will be arrived at depending on how you adjust this control.
If Threshold is set fully clockwise, then turned counter-clockwise
until all channels are easily activated by normal signal levels, the
threshold will be as high above ambient noise as possible. If
Threshold is set counter-clockwise, then turned clockwise until no
channels are activated by ambient noise, the threshold will allow
for greatest channel sensitivity. The threshold is further controlled
by Adaptive Threshold Sensing (ATS). ATS monitors signal from
active channels and automatically adjusts the threshold to prevent
false activation of other channels. NOTE: Accurate Trim control
settings are essential prior to Threshold adjustment. Once
Threshold has been set, individual channel sensitivities may be
fine-tuned using the Trim controls.
Release: This control adjusts the length of time that any channel
remains active (on) after signal level has dropped below threshold.
Release Time is adjustable from 150 milliseconds to 4 seconds.
Since channels activate very quickly (4 milliseconds Attack Time),
precise adjustment of Release Time may not be critical. However,
when using Logic Outputs to control external switching circuits
(such as cameras), moderate Release Time settings may provide
more appropriate timing (see Logic Outputs on next page).
Master: This control adjusts the level of overall signal sent to the
Main Output. The Main Output level is also affected by automatic
NOM attenuation, which reduces the output level by 3dB for each
doubling of active (gated) channels. Optimum Master settings are
near the 12 o’clock position (unity gain) or below.
Aux: This control adjusts the level of overall signal sent to the Aux
Output. The Aux Output may be assigned either ungated (pre) or
gated (post) signals from the channels (see Master DIP Switches
on next page). NOTE: Unlike the Main Output, The Aux Output
does not provide automatic NOM attenuation.
-20 Indicator: This dual-color LED provides indication of both
signal present & peak level at the Main Output. This indicator will
light green when (internal) signal levels reach -20dB (signal
present). This same indicator will light red when (internal) signal
levels reach +10dB (8dB below clipping). Use this feature to aid in
adjusting the Master control. For best performance, adjust the
Master control so the -20 indictor flashes red (+10dB) only on
occasional peaks in signal level.
On Indicator: When the Power Cord is plugged in, and power is
applied to the autoTWO, the red On indicator remains lit.