Biamp 801i User Manual
Page 4

+10 Indicator (Channels 1~8 & Aux): These red LEDs will light
whenever channel signal levels reach +10dB (8dB below clipping).
Use this feature to aid in adjusting the Trim controls (see below).
Trim (Channels 1~8): These screw-driver adjustable controls set
the channel gain (0~60dB) to compensate for different input signal
levels. For best performance, adjust these controls so the channel
+10 indicators flash only on occasional peaks. If input signal
exceeds the normal operating range of the Trim control, assign the
rear panel Pad switch (see DIP switches on next page).
Level (Channels 1~8 & Aux): These controls adjust the amount of
signal sent from the individual input channels to the mixer output
section. Optimum Level settings are near the 12 o'clock position
(unity gain).
Bass: This control provides low-frequency tonal adjustment
(±10dB @ 100Hz) for signals at Main Patch & Main Output.
Treble: This control provides high-frequency tonal adjustment
(±10dB @ 10kHz) for signals at Main Patch & Main Output.
-20 Indicator: This red LED will light whenever signal levels reach
-20dB (signal present) at Main Output.
Master: This control adjusts the level of overall signal sent to
Main Output. Optimum Master settings are near the 12 o’clock
position (unity gain) or below.
Threshold: A limiter is provided at Main Output to help eliminate
unwanted peaks in signal level. This screw-driver adjustable
control sets the level at which the limiter will be activated. For
most applications, set Threshold so the limiter is activated only by
occasional peaks. Counter-clockwise adjustment lowers
Threshold, increasing the amount of limiting. Clockwise
adjustment raises Threshold, decreasing the amount of limiting.
Threshold is factory set fully clockwise, effectively removing the
limiter from operation.
Limit: This red LED will light whenever signal levels exceed the
threshold, thereby activating the limiter.
On Indicator: When the power transformer is plugged in, and AC
power is applied to the 801i, the red On indicator remains lit.