AMS 1073 User Manual
Ams neve
This manual is related to the following products:
Table of contents
Document Outline
- Con tents
- In tro duc tion 1
- In stal la tion 1
- Di men sions 2
- Power Re quire ments 2
- Con nec tor De tails 3
- Am pli fier Con trols 4
- 1073 Mod ule 4
- 1084 Mod ule 5
- Spec i fi ca tions 6
- 1073 Mod ule 6
- 1084 Mod ule 6
- Spec i fi ca tions 6
- Re call Sheets 7
- 1073 - Hor i zon tal Mod ule 7
- 1073 - Ver ti cal Mod ule 8
- 1084 - Hor i zon tal Mod ule 9
- 1084 - Ver ti cal Mod ule 10
- Ser vice In for ma tion 11
- Sche matic Draw ing In dex - 1073 Mod ule 11
- Sche matic Draw ing In dex - 1084 Mod ule 12
- 1073_84_user.pdf
- Contents
- Introduction 1
- Installation 1
- Dimensions 2
- Power Requirements 2
- Mains Supply (rack units) 3
- DC Power Supply Indicators (rack units) 3
- Phantom Power 3
- Output Level Control 3
- Connector Details 4
- Amplifier Controls 5
- 1073 Module 5
- 1084 Module 6
- Specifications 7
- Recall Sheets 8
- 1073 - Vertical Module 8
- 1073 - Horizontal Module 9
- 1084 - Vertical Module 10
- 1084 - Horizontal Module 11
- Service Information 12
- Schematic Drawing Index - 1073/1084 Racks 12
- Schematic Drawing Index - 1073 Module 12
- Recall Sheets 8
- Schematic Drawing Index - 1084 Module 13
- Contents