Gfp-815 – Adcom GFP-815 User Manual
Page 10
Serial Port
Command Set
The Adcom GFP-815 can be controlled via the serial RS-232 port. The serial port can be connected to a sys-
tem controller, PC or ‘dumb terminal’ via a straight-through standard 9-pin serial port cable (MALE on one end
and FEMALE on the other end). When using a PC, a terminal emulator program (e.g. HyperTerminal or Pro-
Comm), can be used to control the GFP-815.
The communications parameters should be set as follows:
9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and Flow Control: Hardware
COMMAND String Hexadecimal String ASCII
POWER ON 57,20,31,20,31,20,32
POWER OFF 57,20,31,20,31,20,31
POWER TOGGLE 57,20,31,20,31,20,33
VOLUME UP 57,20,31,20,39,20,31
VOLUME DOWN 57,20,31,20,39,20,32
MUTE ON 57,20,31,20,31,30,20,32
MUTE OFF 57,20,31,20,31,30,20,31
MUTE TOGGLE 57,20,31,20,31,30,20,33
POLARITY NORMAL (0) 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,33
POLARITY INVERT (180) 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,34
POLARITY TOGGLE 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,35
TRIGER ON 57,20,31,20,33,20,31
TRIGER OFF 57,20,31,20,33,20,32
PHONO (INPUT 1) 57,20,31,20,32,20,36
INPUT 2 57,20,31,20,32,20,37
INPUT 3 57,20,31,20,32,20,38
INPUT 4 57,20,31,20,32,20,38
INPUT 5 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,30
INPUT 6 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,31
MP3 (INPUT 7) 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,32
NEXT INPUT 57,20,31,20,32,20,34
PREVIOUS INPUT 57,20,31,20,32,20,35
TONE ON 57,20,31,20,34,20,31
TONE OFF 57,20,31,20,34,20,32
Please Note: ‘’
space in Hex is ’’20’’, a space in ASCII is just a blank space (as shown above).