Gfp-815 – Adcom GFP-815 User Manual

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Serial Port

Command Set


The Adcom GFP-815 can be controlled via the serial RS-232 port. The serial port can be connected to a sys-
tem controller, PC or ‘dumb terminal’ via a straight-through standard 9-pin serial port cable (MALE on one end
and FEMALE on the other end). When using a PC, a terminal emulator program (e.g. HyperTerminal or Pro-
Comm), can be used to control the GFP-815.

The communications parameters should be set as follows:

9600 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 1 stop bit and Flow Control: Hardware


COMMAND String Hexadecimal String ASCII

POWER ON 57,20,31,20,31,20,32 W 1 1 2
POWER OFF 57,20,31,20,31,20,31 W 1 1 1
POWER TOGGLE 57,20,31,20,31,20,33 W 1 1 3
VOLUME UP 57,20,31,20,39,20,31 W 1 9 1
VOLUME DOWN 57,20,31,20,39,20,32 W 1 9 2
MUTE ON 57,20,31,20,31,30,20,32 W 1 10 2
MUTE OFF 57,20,31,20,31,30,20,31 W 1 10 1
MUTE TOGGLE 57,20,31,20,31,30,20,33 W 1 10 3
POLARITY NORMAL (0) 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,33 W 1 2 13
POLARITY INVERT (180) 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,34 W 1 2 14
POLARITY TOGGLE 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,35 W 1 2 15
TRIGER ON 57,20,31,20,33,20,31 W 1 3 1
TRIGER OFF 57,20,31,20,33,20,32 W 1 3 2
PHONO (INPUT 1) 57,20,31,20,32,20,36 W 1 2 6
INPUT 2 57,20,31,20,32,20,37 W 1 2 7
INPUT 3 57,20,31,20,32,20,38 W 1 2 8
INPUT 4 57,20,31,20,32,20,38 W 1 2 9
INPUT 5 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,30 W 1 2 10
INPUT 6 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,31 W 1 2 11
MP3 (INPUT 7) 57,20,31,20,32,20,31,32 W 1 2 12
NEXT INPUT 57,20,31,20,32,20,34 W 1 2 4
PREVIOUS INPUT 57,20,31,20,32,20,35 W 1 2 5
TONE ON 57,20,31,20,34,20,31 W 1 4 1
TONE OFF 57,20,31,20,34,20,32 W 1 4 2

Please Note: ‘’’’ stands for Carriage Return, the Hex Code is ‘’0D’’. A
space in Hex is ’’20’’, a space in ASCII is just a blank space (as shown above).