Apex Digital AT2702 User Manual

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AT1302, AT2002, AT2402, AT2702

Apex DigitaI, Inc. makes the foIlowing Iimited warranties. These Iimited warranties extend to the originaI consumer purchaser or any person
receiving this product as a gift from the originaI consumer purchaser and to no other purchaser or transferee.

Limited Ninety (90) Days Warranty (AT2702 Model ONLY)
Apex Digital, Inc. warrants this product and its parts against defects in materiaI or workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days after the
date of original retaiI purchase. During this period Apex DigitaI, Inc. wilI repair or repIace a defective part or product at their option, with a
new or refurbished part or product, without charge to you. Authorized Apex Digital, Inc. Service Center personnel will come to your home
when warranty service is required. Depending on the type of repair required, the service will either be performed in your home or the set will
be taken to the Authorized Apex Digital, Inc. Service Center' s repair facility for repair and then returned to your home at no cost to you.

Limited Ninety (90) Days Warranty (AT1302, AT2002, AT2402 Models ONLY)
Apex Digital, Inc. warrants this product and its parts against defects in material or workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days after the
date of original retail purchase. During this period Apex Digital, Inc. will repair or replace a defective part or product at their option, with a
new or refurbished part or product, without charge to you. You must deliver the entire product to an Authorized Apex Digital, Inc. Service
Center. You are responsible for all packing, transportation and insurance charges for the set to and from the Service Center.

Limited One (1) Year Warranty
Apex Digital, lnc. further warrants the parts in this product against defects in materiaIs or workmanship for a period of one (1) year
after the date of original retail purchase with exception of the remote control which is guaranteed for ninety (90) days. During this period
Apex Digital,Inc. will replace a defective part with a new or refurbished part without charge to you, except that if a defective part is replaced
after ninety (90) days from the date of original retail purchase, you are responsible to pay all labor charges involved in the part(s) replace-
ment including all packing, transportation and insurance charges for the set to and from the Service Center.

Limited Two (2) Years Warranty
Apex Digital, lnc. further warrants the picture tube in this product against defects in materiaIs or workmanship for a period of two (2) years
after the date of original retail purchase. During this period Apex Digital,Inc. will replace the defective picture tube at their option with a new
or rebuilt picture tube or at their option replace the entire product with a new or refurbished product at no charge to you; if however the
defective picture tube or product is replaced after one (1) year from the date of the original retail purchase, you pay all labor, packing and
transportation charges involved in the replacement.

RentaI Product
The warranty for a rental product begins with the original date of receipt by the rentaI firm.

• Your ResponsibiIity
• The above warranties are subject to the foIIowing conditions:
• You must retain your bill of sale to provide proof of purchase.
• AII warranty service of this product must be made by an Authorized Apex DigitaI, Inc. Service Center.
• These warranties are effective onIy if the product is purchased and operated in the U S. A. , Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Labor service charges for set instaIlation, setup, adjustment of customer controIs and installation or repair of any type of antenna
or cabIe systems are not covered by this warranty. Reception probIems caused by inadequate antenna or cable system are your

• Warranties extend onIy to defects in materials or workmanship as limited above and do not extend to any product or parts which have

been Iost or discarded by you or damage to product or parts caused by misuse, accident, damage caused by Acts of God, such
as Iightning or fluctuations in eIectricaI power, improper instaIlation, improper maintenance or use in vioIation of instructions fur-
nished by us; or to product which has been modified or had the seriaI number removed, aItered, defaced or rendered iIlegibIe.
Warranties do not cover cosmetic damages or lost accessories.

How to Obtain Warranty Service
lf after foIlowing aII the operating instructions in this manuaI and reading the section TROUBLESHOOTING you find that service is necessary:

1. Should it be necessary contact our Customer Service Center directly caIl 866 4 APEXlNC (866 427 - 3946 ), Mon - Fri 8am - 5pm

(Pacific Time).

2. After obtaining the requested information, you must present your biIl of saIe to the Authorized Service Center to obtain warranty servlce.
3. Authorized Apex Digital, lnc. Service personnel will come to your home when warranty service is required. Depending on the type of

repair required, the service will either be performed in your home or the set will be taken to the Authorized Service Center's facility for
repair and then returned to your home.

AlI warranties implied by state law, including the impIied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, are expressly
limited to the duration of the Iimited warranties as set forth above. With the exception of any warranties impIied by state law as hereby
limited, the foregoing warranty is excIusive and in Iieu of alI other warranties, guarantees, agreements and similar obligations of manufac-
turers or seIIer with respect to the repair or repIacement of any parts. ln no event shall Apex Digital, Inc. be IiabIe for consequentiaI or in-
cidentaI damages.

No person, agent, distributor, deaIer or company is authorized to change, modify or extend the terms of these warranties in any manner
whatsoever. The time within which action must be commenced to enforce any obligation of Apex Digital, lnc. arising under this warranty or
under any stature, or Iaw of the United States or any state thereof, is hereby Iimited to ninety (90 ) days from the date you discover or shouId
have discovered the defect. This Iimitation does not appIy to impIied warranties arising under state Iaw.

This warranty gives you specific rights and you may aIso have these rights which may vary from state to state. Some states do not aIlow
Iimitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, when an action may be brought, or the excIusion or Iimitation of incidental or consequentiaI
damages, so the above provisions may not appIy to you.

This manual is related to the following products: