Com-Power CLA-050 User Manual

Absorbing clamps features, Description, Application

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Absorbing Clamps


Frequency Range - 30 - 1000 MHz

Test to CISPR 14 (EN 55014) requirements

Individual Calibration

Two Year Warranty


The CLA-050 and CL-150 absorbing clamps meet the

CISPR 14 (EN 55014) section 6.11 requirement for

measuring radio frequency power generated and fed to

the EUT supply cable of household appliances, electri-

cal tools and similar apparatus.

The absorbing clamp consists of a calibrated ferrite

current transformer operating in the frequency range

of 30-1000 MHz and two groups of ferrite rings. The

ferrite rings acts as absorbers of energy and stabilizes

impedance. One set of ferrite rings surrounds the lead

from the transformer to the EMI meter to minimize

standing waves. The second group of ferrite rings

surround supply cable from the equipment under test.

These rings act as an absorber of energy and an im-

pedance stabilizer to isolate the equipment under test

from the mains. These rings are made up of two halves.

Therefore, the supply cable from the EUT can be placed

inside the aperture of the rings.

Two absorbing clamp models are available to accom-

modate the varying sizes of supply cables. The model

CLA-050 can accommodate supply cable up to 10 mm

(0.39 inches) in diameter and model CLA-150 can ac-

cept cables up to 32 mm (1.26 inches) diameter.

All absorbing clamps are individually calibrated before

shipment. The insertion loss and correction factors will

be supplied with each clamp.


Use of an absorbing clamp is a practical alternative to

measurement of direct field strength from EUT supply


During the test, the equipment under test is placed on

a nonconductive table at least 40 cm from the nearest

reflecting object. The EUT mains conductor is placed

horizontally in a straight line for a distance sufficient

to permit movement of the absorbing clamp to obtain

the highest readings. The mains conductor is placed in

the clamp surrounded by absorbing rings and the cur-

rent transformer.

The standard requires the measuring instrument having

a 50 Ohm input impedance. The power (P) measured

using a 50 Ohm load is equal to the square of the volt-

age measured divided by 50. This can be expressed in

decibels (dB):

P = Power

10 log P = 10 log V2/50 = 20 log V-10 log 50

10 log P = 20 log V - 10 log 50

IL = Insertion loss

Corrected reading: 10 log P = 20 log V - 17 dB + IL

The numerical value of P (power) expressed in dB

(picowatts accross 50 Ohms) is found by substracting

17 dB from the numerical value of V in dB.

Com-Power Corporation

(949) 587 - 9800


[email protected]

CLA-050, CLA-150

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