Actiontec ECB2500C Datasheet User Manual
Moca network adapter, Ethernet to coax, For cable tv households

Creative Solutions for the Digital Life
Ethernet to Coax
MoCA Network Adapter
for Cable TV Households
ore and more electronic devices require high speed Internet access. From
IPTV to media centers, DVRs, BlueRay players, and game consoles etc,
the biggest challenge facing consumers is how to connect these
devices to the Internet. Now with MoCA technology, existing coaxial wires in the
home can, in essence, be converted to an Ethernet network and deliver high
speed Internet access to every connected device. Plus, installation is a breeze.
Simply plug a MoCA adapter into your Router and to the device requiring Internet
access. Most do–it-yourself consumers can complete the installation in less than
5 minutes and installation professionals no longer need to pull cables throughout
the house. Join the millions of homes in North American with an Actiontec MoCA
Actiontec's MoCA Network Adapter coexists with most broadband services, and
passes US CATV or terrestrial signals to components such as televisions without
The Future is Not Far Off
The MoCA Network Adapter is perfect for condominiums, apartment buildings,
homes, and other residential buildings. Add high-speed Internet access anywhere
without the hassle and high cost of complex infrastructure modifications. The
MoCA Network Adapter is easy to use, features simple and seamless integration,
and offers endless possibilities for network expansion over existing wiring
configurations. Bridging the divide between Ethernet and MoCA networks, the
MoCA adapter brings the future of multimedia experience to the home, today.
A Solution for the Home Entertainment Network
As modern homes become increasingly equipped with multiple, high-definition TVs, and
DVRs, the need for increased bandwidth throughout the home is becoming more and
more critical. The standard home network is rapidly mutating from the basic printer-DSL
modem-computer configuration (in which the most critical networking task is moving
documents around) to high-performance IP networking that transmits massive mulit-
media files (digital, high-resolution movies, for example) at high rates of speed with little
or no degradation. That’s where the MoCA Network Adapter shines, as it coexists with
most broadband services and passes US CATV or terrestrial signals to components such as
Supports full Ethernet speed
Uses existing coax cabling
Reduced beacon power level
Up to 1004 MHz RF signal pass through
Coexistence with cable TV services