Lexibook CG1500 / CG1550 User Manual

Page 21

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To ask the computer to tell you which move it suggests you make:

1. Press the HINT button.
2. The computer lights up the start square and indicates the move of chess-man that it suggest you move. Press this square (or alternative-

ly, press the HINT button once again).

3. The computer lights up the co-ordinates of the destination square of this move. Press this square (or alternatively, press the HINT button

once again).

4. Now you have two choices: make the move as suggested by the computer by pressing the start and the destination squares once again,

or make a different move.

The move that the computer shows you is the move that it expects you to make. Every time it is your move and you are thinking about the move you
are about to make, the computer is already preparing its response. If your move is one the computer expects, it will be able to respond immediately
most of the time.

To follow the thoughts of the computer while it analyses a position:

1. Press the HINT button while the computer is thinking.
2. The computer will light up the start square of the move it is contemplating to make at that moment and then the squares of the move it

plans to make.

3. The computer lights up the destination square of the move. Press this square (or alternatively, press the HINT button once again). The com-

puter will then continue to think.

Now you know the move that the computer will probably make and this enables you to make the most of your alertness and to begin thinking about
your retaliation.


The computer has a TRAINING mode which enables you to improve your playing by indicating that specific moves you have made were good. A good
move is a move which, according to the computer, improves your position; it can also be the “best possible” move in a given situation where it is impos-
sible to improve your position.

To enter the TRAINING mode, press the TRAINING button once. The GOOD MOVE indicator lights up to show that the TRAINING mode is activated. To
leave the TRAINING mode, press the TRAINING button once again. The TRAINING mode is deactivated when you press the NEW GAME button; so do not
forget to press the TRAINING button once again if you want the computer to evaluate your moves during your new game.

When you are in TRAINING mode and the computer thinks your move was good, it will light up the GOOD MOVE indicator after lighting up the start
square of its move.
If you think that your move was good but the indicator does not light up, this means that there was at least one move which was better than the one
you made. If you want to know what this move was, press the TAKE BACK button to cancel your move, then press HINT. Now it’s up to you to decide
whether you make the move recommended by the computer, make your original move, or alternatively, make a completely different move! However,
you must press the TAKE BACK button before performing the computer’s move, otherwise the HINT mode is no longer available for you to cancel your

The TRAINING mode in conjunction with the HINT option enables you to learn as you play: the TRAINING mode indicates whether your move was
awkward while the HINT option suggests a better solution. And don’t forget: you must always try to make the best possible move!


CG1500 8 Lang-2004 23/02/04 11:55 Page 19