Unloader arm or sweep arm – Dings Magnetic Group Stationary Permanent Overhead Magnet User Manual
Page 5
Revised May 21, 2013
A Crossbelt type is installed over a conveyor so that the magnet is at a right angle to the
travel direction of the material on the conveyor. If the magnet cannot be installed over the
head pulley, install it over a flat section of the conveyor. Magnetic performance may be
affected by magnetic material in the field. This includes such items as I-beams, metal
supports, hoppers, or splitters. These and other ferrous objects need to be kept out of the
magnetic zone.
Suspend the magnet from a rigid support structure. Provide adjustment in the suspension
for positioning of the magnet – moving up, down, sideways, forward, backward and tilt.
Suspension height is critical to the performance of the magnet. This distance is measured
from the bottom of the magnet face to the surface of the material handling belt.
Elevate the magnet to the suspension height that is appropriate for the application. An
appropriate height is 2” – 3”above the top of the conveyed material or the height specified
at the time of purchase. If a height is specified, measure it as the middle of the conveyor
belt, on its surface, up to the magnet face – the bottom surface of the magnet.
The magnet should be mounted at the recommended suspension height. If the magnet is
too high above the burden, sufficient magnetism may not reach into the burden. Too
much height will cause a loss in separation efficiency. For best results, crossbelt
separators should be centered over the belt and parallel to the slope of the belt conveyor.
Unloader Arm or Sweep Arm
If this magnet is equipped with a pivot unloader arm, use it to push attracted material off the
magnet face. The arm is made of non-magnetic stainless steel angle. One end is bolted
near a corner on the magnet face. A pipe receptacle is welded to the angle so a pipe can
be inserted to act as a handle.
If this magnet does not have an unloader arm, metal must be removed by hand. It is
advisable to wear gloves to protect your hands.