Tps training bulletin – Daymak Vienna Rocket 72V User Manual
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TPS Training Bulletin
TPS Training Bulletin
Attention Traffic and Training Sergeants:
Recently we have had some enquiries from officers in the field and members of the public
regarding e-bikes and have found that there is some confusion over the definition of a
Power Assisted Bicycle (e-bike).
According to Ontario Regulation 473/06, an e-bike that meets the definition is deemed
not to be a motor vehicle, under the Highway Traffic Act, and is essentially treated as a bi-
cycle. Any person 16 years and over who wears a bicycle helmet as required by subsection
104 (2.1) of the HTA may ride a power assisted bicycle on the highway. There is no
requirement for a drivers license, a permit or insurance.
The main requirements for a bicycle to be designated a “power assisted bicycle” is that it
“is capable of being propelled by muscular power” and a “bears a label that is permanently
affixed by the manufacturer stating that the vehicle is a power assisted bicycle”. Obviously
while the e-bike is being operated on the road, the pedals must be attached and function-
O. Reg 473 refers to federal Motor Vehicle Safety Regulations for a definition. Rick Line, TC
TPS Training & Education Unit, Traffic & Provincial Statutes Section, C.O. Bick College,
4620 Finch Ave. E., Scarborough, On, M1S-4G2
Ph: 416-808-4877
“Committed to Lifelong Learning”