BatteryMINDer 12112 User Manual

Page 3

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Installing the BatteryMINDer

Before you connect the BatteryMINDer to your battery, test the battery for any
shorted cells and check the voltage in the battery. The battery has to have a mini-
mum resting voltage of 11 volts before the unit will turn on. Resting voltage
means that the battery has not been charged or discharged within 8 hours mini-
mum. If you test a battery that has not rested for at least 8 hours, you will get
incorrect, inaccurate readings.
1. Test your battery first before you connect it to the BatteryMINDer. See page 2

for more information on testing the battery. See page 5 for more information
about installing the BatteryMINDer inside or outside of the equipment.

2. Check the voltage in your battery. If the resting voltage is less than 11 volts,

use a regular charger to charge the battery to full voltage before connecting
the BatteryMINDer to it. The BatteryMINDer does not turn on if the voltage is
lower than 11 volts.

3. Plug the battery clip assembly supplied in the box into the mating plug at the

end of the BatteryMINDer's output cord, or attach the ring terminal assembly
to your battery's terminals (red to + and blue to -).

4. Attach the battery clips to the posts or terminal clamps of the battery (red to +

and black to -).

5. The green indicator lights when the proper connection is made. The green

light is powered by the battery and lights up even when the BatteryMINDer is
not plugged in an electrical outlet.

6. Plug the BatteryMINDer into an AC electrical outlet as soon as possible after

you have made the connection to the battery. Note: The unit will use the
power from your battery and drain the battery if you do not plug it into an
electrical outlet.

7. The red indicator lights to show that there is AC power going into the unit. If

the red light does not come on, check you outlet to make sure that it is
switched on. The red light stays on unless the outlet is switched off or the
BatteryMINDer has failed.

8. The BatteryMINDer charges your battery to full voltage first before it automat-

ically goes into the maintenance/desulphation mode. The green light stays
solid during the charging mode.

9. The green indicator light starts blinking automatically after the BatteryMINDer

has charged the battery to full voltage and goes into the maintenance/desul
phation mode. If there is a lot of sulphate in your battery, it cannot accept full
charge, and the BatteryMINDer does not automatically start desulphating (the
voltage in the battery has to go up to 14 volts).

10. If the green indicator does not start blinking within 24 hours, lightly touch the

Desulphation button to manually start the maintenance mode.

11. Leave the BatteryMINDer connected to your battery at all times when it is not

in actual use. You can never overdesulphate your battery.

See page 7 for more information about connecting multiple batteries.


button to set the unit in the maintenance/desulphation mode. The light will
blink continuously until it is disconnected from the battery.

6. Allow the battery to remain in the maintenance mode for a minimum of 72

hours before you test it for dead cells. Use a hot/cold calibrated hydrometer
tester for the most accurate results. If you see an increase in the Specific
Gravity (SG) indicating that there is an improvement in the battery's condition,
continue desulphating for an additional 72 hours and retest the battery.
Continue this process until the SG reading of the battery does not increase

Testing with a Hot/Cold Calibrated Hydrometer Tester

Read the tester instructions carefully for most accurate readings.
1. When using the tester the first time or after a long period of non-use, fill the

tester with the battery fluid and let it sit for 1/2 hour or longer. This will soak
the balls in order to give you more accurate readings. Failure to do so will
give you false readings indicating a battery that may not be in as good a
condition as you may have thought.

2. After inserting the tester in a cell, gently tap the tester several times against

the inside wall of each cell to dislodge air bubbles that will cause more balls
to float than should. Failure to do so will yield false readings that indicate a
battery that is not fully desulphated or does not qualify for desulphation.

3. If no balls float in any cell, the cell is considered shorted. This means that

your battery is beyond the point of being properly recharged or reconditioned.

4. Dispose of the battery.
5. If each cell floats two or more balls (or 1260 on gauge-type), your battery can

be reconditioned.

6. Always rinse the tester with fresh water after every use. Failure to do so will

cause false readings.

7. Store the tester in the holder to prevent breakage.

Testing a Sealed, Maintenance-ffree, Gelled-ttype Lead Acid Battery

These batteries have no filler caps or manifold-type covers. If you cannot gain
access to the interior of your battery, because it is sealed, you cannot test it with a
1. Test the battery with a voltmeter. If the voltage is less than 11 volts, charge

the battery overnight with a regular charger or with the BatteryMINDer.

2. Let the battery rest for minimum of 8 hours, which means that you do not use

or charge the battery for 8 hours.

3. Test the battery with a voltmeter. If the voltage is less than 12.2 volts (25%

charge), the battery might have too much sulphation in it to reach full charge.

4. Connect the BatteryMINDer to the battery.
5. Lightly touch the Desulphation button to start the maintenance/desulphation

mode right away.

6. Let the BatteryMINDer desulphate the battery at least a week.
7. Test the battery again with a voltmeter.